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Hi all,..I’m new here heard of the site on a you tube video about gold and thought I’d check it out ,..seems like my kinda place just wondering how secure is it buying and selling on here ,..I been collecting gold a while now scrap then rings then pendants have a 1oz gold bar hoping to get a nice 1oz gold coin to add to the collection in a week or so if anyones thinking of selling while I’m writing like ,but are many people ripped off on here ?

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Have a look at this thread which covers what you are asking. It will save going over the same ground again. This IMHO is the safest & best platform to buy & sell PMs. If you like a deal its best to pay for silver membership so you see the offers as soon as they are listed.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



Welcome aboard..

Bit of due diligence on your part and the forum is as safe as any secondary platform. 

Read feedback, don't be afraid to ask seller questions, carefully read the answers.

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

14 hours ago, MrMidas said:

Hi all,..I’m new here heard of the site on a you tube video about gold and thought I’d check it out ,..seems like my kinda place just wondering how secure is it buying and selling on here ,..I been collecting gold a while now scrap then rings then pendants have a 1oz gold bar hoping to get a nice 1oz gold coin to add to the collection in a week or so if anyones thinking of selling while I’m writing like ,but are many people ripped off on here ?

What I would do if i was you and looking to buy a 1oz Gold Brit for example is put a wanted post up, any replies have a look at their profile and they can easily be vouched for by other established members, good members would never risk their reputation for a £1600.00 coin when they have probably moved on £1000.00's worth to build their rep

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.


Thanks for reply’s I see it has the support of the room  ,.iv always used eBay as the buyer your kind of protected and I normally get put off if they ask me to do it through there bank ,and yeah I normally check out who I’m buying from as have got caught out once with a rolled gold item and not 9ct but a cheap way to learn a lesson maybe ,..that’s a good idea about a wanted notice for a coin il try that I have some money clearing in 2 weeks so before I gamble it away on the roulette I’d like to get at least a coin to fall back on one day 


You will not go far wrong on here buddy.

Always do your own due diligence as you would buying anywhere but I can honestly say this is the safest place I have found to trade pm,s

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