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Posted (edited)


A simple question...

I, and others, have asked what gold to buy and the almost unanimous answer is Sovs. One of the many reasons being at 350/ 400 pounds they are relatively easy to sell on whereas a 1oz coin costs quite a bit.

So in my head I'm thinking Double Sovs are twice as much, so therefore a bit harder to shift and therefore possibly less popular?

And Half Sovs probably easier... but are they as popular? Do any of you lovely people collect/ stack/ hoard them?

I ask as the illogical part of my brain has it's eyes on a rather nice half sovereign collection up for sale. The logical side is preoccupied with achieving balance a top a fence as per usual. Do I or don't I?

Edited by MonkeysUncle
More errors than a Truss/ Kamikaze budget
  • MonkeysUncle changed the title to Sovs / Half Sovs / Double Sovs

Never struggled to sell any half's or full's when priced right, 

I have sold a couple of large bundles of half's on here this year.  Trick is always not to be greedy, when selling you need to be under the equivalent dealer price for bullion.  You can get a better price for more premium items of course, but for bullion it needs to be under the dealer price.  


I think dealers are having a laugh at the minute!  the prices of modern sovereigns are currently very expensive and the price doesn’t come down much even when the spot price drops so I’ve just been stacking 1/4 Brits instead. 


46 minutes ago, Apmex100 said:

I think dealers are having a laugh at the minute!  the prices of modern sovereigns are currently very expensive and the price doesn’t come down much even when the spot price drops so I’ve just been stacking 1/4 Brits instead. 


1/4 Brits were more expensive last time I looked, almost double the premium of sovereigns. 


When I looked earlier today dealer T was buying Sovs at 341.71 and selling at 365.75, which seems pretty fair to me.

The same dealer will pay 363.60 for a 1/4oz Brit but take you for 411.17 if you're buying.

Clearly a much tighter margin on the Sovs. 

1 hour ago, MonkeysUncle said:

When I looked earlier today dealer T was buying Sovs at 341.71 and selling at 365.75, which seems pretty fair to me.

The same dealer will pay 363.60 for a 1/4oz Brit but take you for 411.17 if you're buying.

Clearly a much tighter margin on the Sovs. 

Those are "spreads" rather than "margins"!



2 hours ago, MonkeysUncle said:

When I looked earlier today dealer T was buying Sovs at 341.71 and selling at 365.75, which seems pretty fair to me.

The same dealer will pay 363.60 for a 1/4oz Brit but take you for 411.17 if you're buying.

Clearly a much tighter margin on the Sovs. 

I’m stacking for the long term. When it comes to sell I won’t be selling to a dealer tho and when I sell the spot price will be higher than when I bought the coins as I buy in bulk when the spot price is down. 


I really like half sovereigns, much more than sovereigns to be honest. I guess they're the sixpence of the gold world.

Posted (edited)

I prefer double sovereigns.

Might just be my eye sight but theyre easier to see.

Edited by AaaGee
2 hours ago, chrisdobb said:

Tomato Tomarto

No, the differences are not just minor. There is a huge chasm of difference between "spread" and "margin". You will realise if you think about it. I have explained the difference numerous times already, so I will refrain from repeating it here.



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