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2001 Silver Britannia enquiry

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Good evening

I have a full unopened tube (x 20 old style clear packaging) of 2001 Silver bullion Britannia's that i'm possibly considering selling.

Upon researching online, I noticed they seem pretty scarce on the secondary market and the sold priced vary wildly.

I noticed Bullion By Post have them listed (although out of stock) for £97.80 per coin which seems crazy.

Ebay prices also seem all over the place.

I would be grateful if anyone could provide any information on what they believe is a true price for these coins.

Much appreciated.


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15 minutes ago, BullionBob said:

Good evening

I have a full unopened tube (x 20 old style clear packaging) of 2001 Silver bullion Britannia's that i'm possibly considering selling.

Upon researching online, I noticed they seem pretty scarce on the secondary market and the sold priced vary wildly.

I noticed Bullion By Post have them listed (although out of stock) for £97.80 per coin which seems crazy.

Ebay prices also seem all over the place.

I would be grateful if anyone could provide any information on what they believe is a true price for these coins.

Much appreciated.


2001 is a lovely design - my favourite!

The older bullion Brits do command a bit of a premium - I sold one of the 2001 bullion brits from my collection a week or two back on here for £32.

The proofs go for a bit more, maybe £85-90 area.

Ebay is the wild west - just depends on how much selling risk you want to take! if you can get £30 -32 each for them on here than I think its a fair price and you're not having to pay Ebay fees either.


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14 minutes ago, Clockpuncher said:

2001 is a lovely design - my favourite!

The older bullion Brits do command a bit of a premium - I sold one of the 2001 bullion brits from my collection a week or two back on here for £32.

The proofs go for a bit more, maybe £85-90 area.

Ebay is the wild west - just depends on how much selling risk you want to take! if you can get £30 -32 each for them on here than I think its a fair price and you're not having to pay Ebay fees either.


Proof one looks great 

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3 minutes ago, Clockpuncher said:

2001 is a lovely design - my favourite!

The older bullion Brits do command a bit of a premium - I sold one of the 2001 bullion brits from my collection a week or two back on here for £32.

The proofs go for a bit more, maybe £85-90 area.

Ebay is the wild west - just depends on how much selling risk you want to take! if you can get £30 -32 each for them on here than I think its a fair price and you're not having to pay Ebay fees either.


Thank you for your response. £32 is lower than I hoped based on the information i've seen but appreciate the ebay prices may just be an anomaly. Wonder why BBP are asking such a high price.

I agree with you on ebay being the wild west. I used to sell a few bits and pieces on there a few years ago but gave up due ebay policies always being in favor of the buyer. Always felt cheated losing my coins and having to refund.


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1 minute ago, BullionBob said:

Thank you for your response. £32 is lower than I hoped based on the information i've seen but appreciate the ebay prices may just be an anomaly. Wonder why BBP are asking such a high price.

I agree with you on ebay being the wild west. I used to sell a few bits and pieces on there a few years ago but gave up due ebay policies always being in favor of the buyer. Always felt cheated losing my coins and having to refund.


You can always ask for more and see where you get?!

The 2001 bullions are not common, but equally not rare and they do come up for sale with reasonable regularity so the premium isn't crazy like some of the privy designs end up commanding. The coins are also 0.958 silver which doesn't appeal to some stackers who like the modern 999 bullion versions.

Some of the sold prices on Ebay do look very steep - but equally there are probably some collectors who are backfilling sets and just check Ebay and pay whatever is being asked for on the 'buy it now' listings etc. 

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It is a well-loved design and low mintage year, over 20 years old - getting to 'vintage' age.

I recall seeing them going on the forum as high as £45 in the past (pre-C) and probably would just rather keep mine if I was offered lower than that.  🤷‍♂️

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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4 minutes ago, Clockpuncher said:

You can always ask for more and see where you get?!

The 2001 bullions are not common, but equally not rare and they do come up for sale with reasonable regularity so the premium isn't crazy like some of the privy designs end up commanding. The coins are also 0.958 silver which doesn't appeal to some stackers who like the modern 999 bullion versions.

Some of the sold prices on Ebay do look very steep - but equally there are probably some collectors who are backfilling sets and just check Ebay and pay whatever is being asked for on the 'buy it now' listings etc. 

I always like to sell at fair prices and on occasions leave some 'meat on the bone' for others to extract. However, I may end up putting these back in storage, as i don't think I could find a price that works at the current time.

Interesting point about the 0.958 silver, i never considered this at the time of purchase.

Thank you for your help. 

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8 minutes ago, Clockpuncher said:

The coins are also 0.958 silver which doesn't appeal to some stackers who like the modern 999 bullion versions.

I have quiet a few 2000, some I had were carded (threw the cards away, maybe a mistake). The best thing about them being 0.958 is that they are in the same condition as I bought them, many years ago. You can actually take them out, touch them and look at them without the risk of developing some sort of silver acne. I feel that in 22 years time some of the 999 pieces won't keep there condition no matter how many pairs of cotton cloves, humidors and dark boxes you go through. 

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13 minutes ago, jultorsk said:

It is a well-loved design and low mintage year, over 20 years old - getting to 'vintage' age.

I recall seeing them going on the forum as high as £45 in the past (pre-C) and probably would just rather keep mine if I was offered lower than that.  🤷‍♂️

They are certainly an interesting coin in terms of fluctuating prices. Think holding them maybe the best option and will see how things go in future.

Thank you

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2 minutes ago, Bigmarc said:

I have quiet a few 2000, some I had were carded (threw the cards away, maybe a mistake). The best thing about them being 0.958 is that they are in the same condition as I bought them, many years ago. You can actually take them out, touch them and look at them without the risk of developing some sort of silver acne. I feel that in 22 years time some of the 999 pieces won't keep there condition no matter how many pairs of cotton cloves, humidors and dark boxes you go through. 

This particular tube has some toning on the edges but i have no idea on the condition of the actual coins, other than the ones on each end, which both appear to be fine.

Silver ache, lol. I will never look at a milk spotted coin the same again. 😀

Thank you


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2 hours ago, BullionBob said:

Interesting point about the 0.958 silver, i never considered this at the time of purchase.

This is where Clockpuncher is correct, in my case anyway, i stack the .999 and I prefer modern coins for silver, gold, it dont matter, the pre 2013 brits dont have a slot in my treasure chest even though they do have a full oz of silver in them but that extra weight with added copper? puts me off, its the OCD in me i guess so those brits dont appeal but others like them and it would be a sad world if we all liked the same thing.

Sometimes BBP put daft prices on just because they dont have any and are not actively looking for any so it gives customers a false sense of what they are actually worth both to sellers and buyers alike

I tend not to look at BBP for coins, just the price charts which i think are pretty good

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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You'll often see the variant design year Britannias bid up on feebay, depends if two folk want it badly enough and if there's none on buy it now. Sometimes there's none available, sometimes loads.

I've sold the 2001 many times over the past ten years for £50-60 quid, yet they go unsold here on forum for £25-£30 

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11 hours ago, Gordy said:

This is where Clockpuncher is correct, in my case anyway, i stack the .999 and I prefer modern coins for silver, gold, it dont matter, the pre 2013 brits dont have a slot in my treasure chest even though they do have a full oz of silver in them but that extra weight with added copper? puts me off, its the OCD in me i guess so those brits dont appeal but others like them and it would be a sad world if we all liked the same thing.

Sometimes BBP put daft prices on just because they dont have any and are not actively looking for any so it gives customers a false sense of what they are actually worth both to sellers and buyers alike

I tend not to look at BBP for coins, just the price charts which i think are pretty good

I mainly stack 999 with the exception of some Pre 1920 scrap. I think I will just put these back in storage and keep them for a rainy day.

Totally agree with your point on BBP, was just curious more than anything else.

Thank you

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2 hours ago, Paul said:

You'll often see the variant design year Britannias bid up on feebay, depends if two folk want it badly enough and if there's none on buy it now. Sometimes there's none available, sometimes loads.

I've sold the 2001 many times over the past ten years for £50-60 quid, yet they go unsold here on forum for £25-£30 

That's very interesting to discover and it confirms peoples experience with this particular coin is varied. For some reason, it doesn't appear to follow the general rules of price point compared to most other bullion coins.

Appreciate your response.

Thank you

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Just now, BullionBob said:

That's very interesting to discover and it confirms peoples experience with this particular coin is varied. For some reason, it doesn't appear to follow the general rules of price point compared to most other bullion coins.

Appreciate your response.

Thank you

2001 2003 2005 britannia are the the hardest ones to source and ones that get bid up most often. 

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