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Opinion on high-premium modern collectible, proof & High relief Pop culture silver coins. Worth collecting?


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   'Was stacking silver bullion, then later started on proof & high relief stuff, now become more engrossed on silver collectibles, colorized, unique shapes & finish, low-mintage ,Pop-Culture stuff. Examples are those from Perth & NZ Mint,  Canadian Mint such as 007 series,  Marvel,  Disney,  Star Wars etc etc. It's quite fun, doing it as a hobby mainly, albeit paying through the nose on the silver premiums!😄.

I esp like the NZ Mint's Chibi coins series, so damn cute & innovative designs! Some popular ones like Mickey Mouse, Star Wars , the Mandalorian coins sell out almost as quickly as are launched and proving to be real collector items, despite the ridiculous premiums!

Sometimes no choice but to buy them from dealers like First Coin & Power Coin when the mints sell out. 

Haha.  I know real hardcore collectors of graded coins will scoff at me but just asking what all your opinions are on such hobby?? Not real investments but more of a hobby!! 




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If it's just a hobby and not causing any financial difficulties, I think it's fine.  I always think if I am not spending on silver bullion or proof coins, I will also spend it or lose it elsewhere 😅😅.  At least, I have some physical things on hand.

I like Royal Mint QB, Britannia, Perth Swan, Australian Dolphin....few proof few bullion.  When I buy a silver proof, I do not have any plan of selling it, as I know the sky high premium kill everything.  If you know your position, I think it'll be fine.

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I mainly steer clear of proof coins nowadays. History has shown me that most of them will be readily available for a fraction of the original price within 1-2 years. There are some exceptions that i buy (The Britannia sets mainly) because without original purchasers there would be no second-hand products.

My one rule, regardless of what i buy, is that i like the product. Stick to that and potential profits end up being just one factor. It can make you feel good if something you purchase ends up being sought-after, but if you have no intention of selling it then it's more or less irrelevant.

Buy what you like and what gives you pleasure (and you can afford) and all will be right with the world !


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As long as you are buying because you like them not as an investment then it’s not a problem.

You can make money immediately after launch flipping, but you don’t want to be left holding the baby if you can’t sell on.

Me personally I don’t see silver as the right investment option, might work for others.  I do have a few Kg of silver for the day I wake up and it’s jumped 500% in price, but that poses another  problem on that day who’s gonna buy it. 


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Great to hear all yr feedback & opinions. Yup, agreed on all points. I will continue to collect them nice & shiny stuff . Its kinda fun & certainly better than blowing it away on gambling & other silly vices. Tks one & all. 😃

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If you like what you're buying and it's better than the alternative then you can't go too far wrong (if otherwise you were spending the money on something that'll be immediately worthless for eg) if buying with the intention for it to increase in price in order to pay your bills at the end of the month... not so good of an idea imo 

Personally I've built a base stack of bullion and now might occasionally add some pieces that cost a little more just because I like the design for eg if I have 500 oz of silver and now collect a higher premium set of 6 or 7 oz coins on top of that I consider them separate and they're not really part of the stack just a bit of a sideshow because I like them if that makes sense

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IMHO get a decent stack built up first some Au.. some Ag.. 

Them maybe turn your eye to premium coins only if you like the coins subject..

My heart has ruled my head too many times... But luckily for me the stack came first. 

150 sheets on 1oz Ag coins make me wonder if I'm wired up right especially when I take them out of the box and stick them to the wall with blue tack.


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I'm quite a collector series and typesets i have more than a few. When i first started out all those years ago i went for the royal mint, royal australian mint and perth mint stuff. The royal mint lost a lot of quality over the years and the prices went sky high too so i've stopped buying their stuff, older stuff is still ok. The RAM and perth mint some incredible stuff with great quality control. I buy what i like and stay clear of the hype and frenzy coins as often the premium on these coins is often lost but not always.

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I splashed out on some Powercoin items. Love them to bits. Will probably be buried with them. They don't go towards the silver stack, they are just too nice. 

Somehow I have managed to get a half decent sized stack just buying things I like and look pretty. 

But worth collecting? For artistic enjoyment certainly. For anything else... I think you need to be tremendously lucky in buying the right coin at the right time. 

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