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1989 5sovereign or 4coin set


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I have searched for past articles ,but i need some advice. Because the mean thing i want most is 5sovereign NGC PF70 but the price might so high that i can't pay for it ,so i have considered 4 coin set and i sent to NGC grade myself. But there are a few points i want understand and take into consideration.

1.Someone who has been or have not grade your 5sovereign can tell me that 5sovereign in plastic case, can you feel collision    of coin when you shake the plastic case a little? Although i don't have any sovereign to try but i have some sliver coin no  matter what specifications are ,like 1oz 2 oz .... i always feel the collision of coin when i shake the case tightly slight.And i am  afraid that the transporation at the time of purchase will cause such  collision taht when i grade myself and back is PF69.

2.Although as mention in point 1,but i still have to consider the price factor,so i want know 1989 5 sovereign NGC PF70  can be got in 5000£-5500£,or  a 4coins set with no grade can get in 5000£-5500£ the same range or what is thea approximate prcie can buy?Because my monthly salary is 700£, i have to chose to buy PF70 direct or sent NGC myself.

3.And the price of bu 5sovereign grade70 and no grade price are?

In addition to the above 2poins ,i also look forward to knowing your suggestion and experience ,because it is a beautiful coin that i like the best and i think i may not buy other sovereign or more later,maybe 2017 is the next i can consider ,but if i buy 1989 i think 2017need wait for next year or nextnext year.And i estimate that i will publish the purchased article in about May or June

There are a lot questions.Iwill be very grateful to those who watched or redponded.

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Great coin choice!  Good question... 

You seem pretty set on owning this coin - so perhaps buy and grade your own. The thrill of the chase.... 
Or save hard £7k maybe and go to auction.  You might grab a bargain... crux is - do not spend more than you are comfortable with. 

Good luck whatever you decide! 

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I think a lot of us are guilty of chasing the magical “pf/pr70” grades. These grading companies have collectors by the balls in many respects.

Easier said than done, but if price is an issue perhaps buy the raw coin you like for a decent price and forget the idea of grading it all together. 
Save the disappointment of it not coming back as a 70 and enjoy the coin for what it is.

The grading process is subjective and many people will tell you they’ve had 70s come back as 69s and lesser coins come back as 70s. Sometimes it seems it depends on which way the wind is blowing as to what grade a coin achieves. It’s a gamble. If you must have a 70 I personally would just suck it up and pay for an already graded 70.

(full disclosure: I can’t practice what I preach and I’m as guilty as any for chasing 70s).


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8 hours ago, Shep said:

I think a lot of us are guilty of chasing the magical “pf/pr70” grades. These grading companies have collectors by the balls in many respects.

Easier said than done, but if price is an issue perhaps buy the raw coin you like for a decent price and forget the idea of grading it all together. 
Save the disappointment of it not coming back as a 70 and enjoy the coin for what it is.

The grading process is subjective and many people will tell you they’ve had 70s come back as 69s and lesser coins come back as 70s. Sometimes it seems it depends on which way the wind is blowing as to what grade a coin achieves. It’s a gamble. If you must have a 70 I personally would just suck it up and pay for an already graded 70.

(full disclosure: I can’t practice what I preach and I’m as guilty as any for chasing 70s).


thanks, @Swampy and you said , after  considerate ,maybe i can buy original 4coin set  and keep it , maybe someday i will decide grade it myself ,before that  i can enjoy what coin set is first ,or maybe i will keep it not to grade. but the permise is that  the price will not be scary,although i am not sure how much the price should be considered reasonable

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Hi, @JJH,

In my opinion it is not relevant to have an very expensive graded 70 coin. You can buy a lot of different 1989 gold coins with the same money and to start a collection using this specific year. That number 70 is not magic. After you will work hard one year to buy one, for sure you will hate it. That coin will be in a white plastic case, too impersonal and intangible. 

If this specific year 1989 is special for you, this meant you are not buying to flip or sale soon. It is not investment, is only for your soul.

Enjoy, my friend, have fun with a tangible gold collection, if you have fancy you can wear some of them as pendant, charm or ring, feel the gold!

It is only my personal opinion, but I prefer to touch, taste, smell, feel. I had before only one graded coin, but I will never buy another one.

Kindest regards and good luck!


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19 minutes ago, stefffana said:

Hi, @JJH,

In my opinion it is not relevant to have an very expensive graded 70 coin. You can buy a lot of different 1989 gold coins with the same money and to start a collection using this specific year. That number 70 is not magic. After you will work hard one year to buy one, for sure you will hate it. That coin will be in a white plastic case, too impersonal and intangible. 

If this specific year 1989 is special for you, this meant you are not buying to flip or sale soon. It is not investment, is only for your soul.

Enjoy, my friend, have fun with a tangible gold collection, if you have fancy you can wear some of them as pendant, charm or ring, feel the gold!

It is only my personal opinion, but I prefer to touch, taste, smell, feel. I had before only one graded coin, but I will never buy another one.

Kindest regards and good luck!


Thank you my friend, yes you are right. Maybe i can just enjoy and collect it rather than put it in white box just write 70 ,yes collect is only a habit. Not compare with other it is a  ideal need to be changed

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4 minutes ago, JJH said:

Thank you my friend, yes you are right. Maybe i can just enjoy and collect it rather than put it in white box just write 70 ,yes collect is only a habit. Not compare with other it is a  ideal need to be changed

Good. From today you are officially stacker, not collector!😊

If will come a period in your life and you will be rich, you will buy your dreams. 

All the best!


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On 30/03/2021 at 08:04, JJH said:

so i have considered 4 coin set and i sent to NGC grade myself

As people have said you can't guarantee getting a 70 grade if you do that.  Someone had a 4 coin set for sale on here earlier this year.  They had had it graded and only one of the four coins came back as a 70 (the others including the £5 were 69s.

So if you must have a 70 get one that has already been graded.  You could try putting a wanted ad in the Trade section on here and see who bites.

You have picked one of the more expensive coins to want.  For this year of 1989 the desirable coins are the £5 and the sovereign.  Have you thought about the £2 version - halfway between the £5 and the Sovereign but for 1989s you can pick them up for about the same as or perhaps even less than the price of a sovereign.

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I will only consider to slab the coin if I decide to sell it. 

If the coin is for my own enjoyment, I will opt for a raw one as it use to cost less than a graded one.  Also, I can buy few more coins with the save of money, which means more enjoyment.😉

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10 hours ago, Seasider said:




yes, when i saw this coin in 2019,i have found the special is 2sov is sometimes cheaper than 1sov and i buy a 2sov pf70 in auction  2020 Dec for 1700GBP,because i work outside otherwise i will show the photo, and when i get it in Feb, i appreciate carefully its beautiful .So now i plane to find 5sov because of the beauty of the more enlarged details.I think if 1sov just need 500GBP i still unlikely to buy it ,because it display less detail.

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On 01/04/2021 at 02:00, JJH said:

I think if 1sov just need 500GBP i still unlikely to buy it ,because it display less detail.

Yes the first time I saw a sovereign I walked right past it thinking something that small could not be that expensive.

Since you like auctions T & T auctions have a £5 1989 coming up for auction on 30 April in a box with a CoA..  It is not online yet but the catalogue describes it as a £100 Britannia coin so it may just slip under some people's radar.  When it goes online I will try to post a link.

and no it is not mine.

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35 minutes ago, Seasider said:




Thank you ,I will follow it

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On 31/03/2021 at 15:25, Seasider said:

Someone had a 4 coin set for sale on here earlier this year.  They had had it graded and only one of the four coins came back as a 70 (the others including the £5 were 69s.

I have a 1989 4 coin box set (all ungraded) but I try to monitor prices should I ever wish to grade or sell raw. I didn’t see the set mentioned above but @DevonNumismatic advertised a set last July wherein the £5 quintuple, the £2 double and the half sov all achieved NGC Ultra Cameo grade PF70.  Only the full sovereign achieved the lower grade of PF69 Ultra Cameo. The £5 sold for £5200, the £2 sold for £1310 and the half sovereign sold for £530. The full sovereign was available for £1285.  Whoever bought the quintuple got a real bargain because a couple of PCGS PR70 Deep Cameo Quintuples sold in Coin Cabinet auctions later last year for £7750 and £7250.

The Britannia Coin Company also had the 4 coin box set for sale last October for £6750. A month later they had increased the price to £7750 for the same set. I’ve not checked back to see if it’s still available or has sold. 

Own it and Love it.

(With thanks to 9x883 for the suggestion)

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On 01/04/2021 at 02:00, JJH said:

So now i plane to find 5sov because of the beauty of the more enlarged details.I think if 1sov just need 500GBP i still unlikely to buy it ,because it display less detail.

Yes, it’s true that the £5 quintuple and £2 double sovereigns display the finery of the tudor rose design in larger detail, but beauty comes in all sizes including the smaller coins which a lot of people collect.


On 31/03/2021 at 15:25, Seasider said:

You have picked one of the more expensive coins to want.  For this year of 1989 the desirable coins are the £5 and the sovereign.  Have you thought about the £2 version - halfway between the £5 and the Sovereign but for 1989s you can pick them up for about the same as or perhaps even less than the price of a sovereign.

I agree. The £2 double sovereign is a great choice if you’re worried about spending too much money on the £5 quintuple. JJH has bought the £2 version in auction.

Own it and Love it.

(With thanks to 9x883 for the suggestion)

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@JJHif you have already bought the double sovereign and don’t particularly like the smaller coins then don’t buy a box set. If you still need to buy the quintuple then monitor how much they sell for. I’ve given you a good start in my first post. Save your money up for one and buy when you think it’s the right coin and price. You can then sell your smaller double and get some money back to compensate for what you pay for a quintuple. 

I hope you enjoy your new coin and good luck with your collection. 

Own it and Love it.

(With thanks to 9x883 for the suggestion)

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I can’t go to bed having made 399 posts, so here’s the 400th saying well done to everyone who’s contributed to this thread!

Goodnight xx

Own it and Love it.

(With thanks to 9x883 for the suggestion)

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36 minutes ago, GoodAsGold said:

@ JJH如果您已經購買了雙重主權並且不特別喜歡較小的硬幣,則不要購買一盒禮盒。如果您仍然需要購買五元組,請監視它們的售價。我在第一篇文章中給了您一個好的開始。節省一分錢,然後在您認為這是對的價格和硬幣時購買。然後,您可以出售較小的雙人間,並退還一些錢以補償您為五元組支付的費用。 


YES,i was decide if i buy a 5sov with pf70 and i sell my 2sov to cover my cost, but buy a cheaper 4coin set is still in my considerate .just what i see 4coin set seller almost describe coin  has spots, that is not what i hope, so i still got 2 choice .And thankyou for your post

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9 hours ago, GoodAsGold said:

The £5 sold for £5200, the £2 sold for £1310 and the half sovereign sold for £530. The full sovereign was available for £1285. 

Interesting.  The set I was talking about had the following prices (only the half was a 70 the rest 69) £5 - £3400, £2 - £1400, Sov - £1350 and Half - £750.  This was in January and I guess gold was higher then.

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3 hours ago, Seasider said:

Interesting.  The set I was talking about had the following prices (only the half was a 70 the rest 69) £5 - £3400, £2 - £1400, Sov - £1350 and Half - £750.  This was in January and I guess gold was higher then.

Thanks for letting me know the prices. It gives me a baseline to go on should I grade mine. I’m not sure how much the bullion price would have on special design year numismatic coins, but I think 69 grades at best must be normal for proofs over 30 years old. I would pay extra for conservation in the hope of achieving a 70 with one of them.

Own it and Love it.

(With thanks to 9x883 for the suggestion)

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Iv had many coins graded but ultimately I feel raw coins have a different presence about them. I think there is to much hype around graded coins. Best to keep them raw and boxed. 

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