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List of items to save money over the long term.

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I tried to think what category this subject would be in and i am hoping it is to save money over time therefore it is an investment.

In another thread i mentioned stacking sheets of stamps as an investment over time,that you can use, as there is no use by date therefore saving you money,factoring in inflation.

What other items that we use in every day life that could be stored/stacked, that over time will increase in cost with inflation therefore once again saving money.

Petrol is a no no as it will go bad,Food will go bad over time to,but both these items in the short time could possibly save a few pence.

So there are varying lengths of store time for different products.

Car tyres i thought might be a good one.If your keeping a car over a long time.

Parts for items you use and repair, i have repaired my cooker element three times and each time it has gone up,but you run the risk of having the part and changing the cooker but you could sell the parts left over.

Any ideas?Over to you.


firewood/coal for those who use it.

tinned food for shtf  :)


stamps are especially good because it's easy to

store physically and trade when necessary.

stamps are what paper currency should be,

each is worth one delivery of a letter regardless

of how many are printed.


it should be stated that the stamps bought need

to be the definitive types. ie it has 1st class, or

2nd class printed on it. stamps with values(£,p)

printed on them is a no-no as you might as well

hold the cash equivalent.




Recently I've accidentally bought rich tea biscuits and Jaffa cakes that were past their best by date (my local shop needs to sort itself out)


Only by a month or so, but just by taking a bite I could tell they were both stale and a bit horrible, it was only then I looked at the dates. 


So, not rich tea biscuits of jaffa cakes  :P

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 


This is not to save money but to make money  - It's not easy to predict but future classic car parts are good to hoard while they are cheap. As an example a MK1 Ford Fiesta a couple of years ago body panels, pattern ones not even a Ford were £40 now they are £300.  Front wings, front panels, back panels, boot floors all used to be £40 ish and now are all £300 ish.  

If you keep an eye on the pattern panel manufacturers and take note of when they choose to discontinue support for a particular car and just buy up all the last of their stock just before they do this and sit on it for a few years you can make serious profits.


Look for the buy one get another half price or even free in Sainsburys.

If you use Pantene shampoo or drink Columbian coffee you can often save a fortune by buying in bulk when the big deals are on.


Joking aside - I heard that buying fine wines and whiskies can become profitable over the long term but I have no experience so cannot add value.

Buying good solid UK equities is my favourite especially from fund managers that have minimal charges like Hargreaves Lansdown.


I tried bulk buying whiskey , it worked awfully, I just drank the lot ten times faster than usual :rolleyes:


If you have good self control could be good though.


I tried bulk buying whiskey , it worked awfully, I just drank the lot ten times faster than usual :rolleyes:


If you have good self control could be good though.

I got a few bottles of whiskey,if i see one on offer i will pick it up.


I tried bulk buying whiskey , it worked awfully, I just drank the lot ten times faster than usual :rolleyes:


If you have good self control could be good though.


every bottle needs to have personal assurance

that it is of the correct quality.  :)




Macro are selling a 20kg bag of basmati rice ( yes 20000g )for under £20 at the moment. Best before date dec 2018. Top buy for SHTF'ers.

( family should ideally like rice for this, however if hungry folks will eat almost anything )

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly


Macro are selling a 20kg bag of basmati rice ( yes 20000g )for under £20 at the moment. Best before date dec 2018. Top buy for SHTF'ers.

( family should ideally like rice for this, however if hungry folks will eat almost anything )

I question whether rice should have a sell by date. I t should last for years. Incidentally I will eat canned products that are years

past their sbd. Same with jars.


Look for the buy one get another half price or even free in Sainsburys.

If you use Pantene shampoo or drink Columbian coffee you can often save a fortune by buying in bulk when the big deals are on.


Joking aside - I heard that buying fine wines and whiskies can become profitable over the long term but I have no experience so cannot add value.

Buying good solid UK equities is my favourite especially from fund managers that have minimal charges like Hargreaves Lansdown.

You should consider giving up on shampoo. I have. Pantene and the like are nasty. Full of chemicals.


I have a black lidded dustbin in my garage for dog biscuit. When it is on offer i buy a few bags and fill it up.Lasts ages.

What's it taste like? I assume you must eat lots of them to buy in bulk :P

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


Toilet paper..in any SHTF situation this would be amongst the first thing to go with bottled water and batteries, and i'm sure you get less and less for your money like with everything else.


Actually to add to that..batteries, sometimes the ten year use by date ones go on sale, good time to buy:)


Toilet paper..in any SHTF situation this would be amongst the first thing to go with bottled water and batteries, and i'm sure you get less and less for your money like with everything else.


Actually to add to that..batteries, sometimes the ten year use by date ones go on sale, good time to buy:)


batteries are not that great for storage as

they discharge slowly when stored so you'll

end up with less power the longer it's stored.

where possible, using rechargeable batteries

is probably best.



  • Founder & Administrator

Going off topic but if you don't like toothpaste and shampoo because of the chemicals then you should look at Indian shampoos and toothpaste, they have a or of completely natural products.

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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