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The Buckingham Collection Free Half Sovs


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People were venting frustration in the absence of replies - they are now offering to give away £150 to make amends which is well beyond the call of duty. To make my point clear:

@TheBuckinghamCollection I received my discount coins after a wait longer than desired. I was frustrated and worried, but you have since explained your position. I received a value of coins in excess of what I paid, and despite my original concerns, recognise that financially I gained from the transaction. You have since explained your position and I accept your struggles. This, for me, is adequate and no further recourse is required. I certainly don’t want to dwell on a situation in which I gained from. 

You have offered a free half sovereign - this is way beyond what I consider as acceptable. Your public apology is more than enough. If you decide to hold this back from me, I would not in anyway hold this against you. (Admittedly, I’d want it, but who wouldn’t?) I believe it is ‘wrong’ for anyone to expect to deserve a free half sovereign, and borderline despicable when they attack you on this basis.

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3 hours ago, Mcgrimes said:

People were venting frustration in the absence of replies - they are now offering to give away £150 to make amends which is well beyond the call of duty. To make my point clear:

@TheBuckinghamCollection I received my discount coins after a wait longer than desired. I was frustrated and worried, but you have since explained your position. I received a value of coins in excess of what I paid, and despite my original concerns, recognise that financially I gained from the transaction. You have since explained your position and I accept your struggles. This, for me, is adequate and no further recourse is required. I certainly don’t want to dwell on a situation in which I gained from. 

You have offered a free half sovereign - this is way beyond what I consider as acceptable. Your public apology is more than enough. If you decide to hold this back from me, I would not in anyway hold this against you. (Admittedly, I’d want it, but who wouldn’t?) I believe it is ‘wrong’ for anyone to expect to deserve a free half sovereign, and borderline despicable when they attack you on this basis.

Thank you for your kind feedback. Your order however will be processed and we thank you for your custom. 


@shiny89 if that rude email was your first follow up since your initial claim of the compensation then it was indeed over the top and unnecessary, I can well understand the recipient at TBC would be upset. I thought they got that across in their reply offering to remove you from the list - polite and businesslike to an extent, but indirectly quite clear imo that such correspondence wasn't welcome under the circumstances of their generous offer.

TBC say they had kept you in contact and updated but you say this is the first reply you've found from them. This of course could be your mistake (missing an email, giving an incorrect phone number as they suggest) however you were not the only one on here to say they weren't contacted, and in fact in large part it mirrors the original problems that this generous offer was meant to compensate for in the first place! It appears that TBC still need to get their communication and structure sorted out. Assuming a colleague had emailed is not good enough in the face of an unhappy customer.

So, they offer to withdraw you from a free half Sov as they think you might not want it after all (!). This was a 'hint' not to write to them like that or further besmirch their company! You write and apologise and say you would like it if possible. I am not sure of the timeline but it appears you had already accepted you may not get one, both in your email to them and on here. This was a big mistake in my opinion, as their original reply says you were on the list, with an offer to withdraw if you wanted. I would have written back apologising for my rudeness (as you did) but assuring them (having made sure in junk folders etc) you had not received any communication, hence your frustration, and you were very pleased that you were on the list and would update the forum that they had honoured their very generous offer.

The next response from TBC is very troubling imo. They have read your apology and your uncertainty that you will still receive compensation, and probably read the forum. Now they are suddenly very clear - they have already taken you off the list, nothing for you. Did they take your resignation to the fact that you may no longer get one as an opportunity to refuse one, or was the original email unclear and incorrectly worded? We will never know but either way it doesn't look good for TBC imo. Must do better!

To be clear I have no vested interest here whatsoever, no affiliation to any company, etc. However from what I have seen and heard I will not use TBC unless and until they really up their game because, while I understand they may have been upset by your initial email, after you apologised when they finally replied (!) that delay in reply was not acceptable and I don't deal with companies with such poor communication not only with customers but also apparently within their own company (assuming others have emailed etc).

I know for a fact there are individuals both on here and elsewhere who would never dare treat their customers like that (dangling a huge carrot and then withdrawing it), despite any personal frustration or feeling (and I do know how dispiriting it can be and how personally some people take it). I wish TBC well and hope they aspire to be the best they can, in which case they will have a very fruitful and likely profitable relationship by their engagement with this forum :)

I found their emphasis on this question to you Shiny interesting, it was almost missed on here, but it seems important to TBC so I'll address it for them:


12 hours ago, TheBuckinghamCollection said:

Let me ask you. Would you offer someone £150 after they insulted you or your organisation?

No I wouldn't. However, this wasn't the situation. You have a customer who took up your compensation offer, never found a reply from you, and so wrote (albeit rudely) out of frustration.

You later said that you had already approved them for the compensation coin, assuming that someone else had emailed to confirm, and then offered to take them off the list (which appears to me quite a polite passive aggressive-ish way of saying 'stop bad mouthing us and you'll get your coin'). When they then apologised for their rude message you said you had already taken them off. Why would they send a frustrated, rude email if they already knew they were going to get a free half Sov? That's a question only you can answer - baffles me.

So, according to you, you weren't offering a free coin after they were rude, it was already in the bag for them. But according to them they only ever got that confirmation they were on 'the list' after they had complained and been removed.

The question should be along the lines of 'would you honour an offer of compensation even if the customer is rude when he thinks he hasn't heard from us before we have delivered it'. And unequivocally the answer to my mind is 'yes'.




2 hours ago, BackdoorBullion said:

So it’s tuesday morning - who’s going to be the first to receive their compensation free coin.......

I've got mine a 10 am is there a prize for being first.

11 minutes ago, ceegold said:

I've got mine a 10 am is there a prize for being first.

No but the last one to receive theirs gets a full sovereign in compensation.:lol:

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


The 'Silver Forum Sycophants' 🤣

Enjoy your new found wealth, you deserve it 👍 

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

2 hours ago, BackdoorBullion said:

when will the next offer of a full sovereign for £250 be running? 

You may have to wait in rare circumstances


Apologies in advance if what I'm about to do is stepping on anyone toes.  

If anyone wants to sell their half Sov at a 'good price' pm me. I'm.after a 2019 1/2 Sov and can not justify the £150+ price tag currently which are what well known dealers prices. 

Buckingham coin collection have it at £139.99 on sale ATM and i will consider buying from them if I can not source via the forum.






Failing the above if anyone fancies exchanging their half sov for some silver either some bullion or proof please feel free to private message me

10 minutes ago, Coolsmp said:

Thats stepping on toes by the way

Boarderline poaching 🤣


Well, I have trawled right through every post on this thread and come to my own conclusion - - @TheBuckinghamCollection  are to be commended IMHO - for the actions taken, explanations given.

If there were more dealers out there as apologetic and showing this level of sincerity the PM world would be a happier place on occasion''s

Having said that - I have,  prior to linking back to all this diatribe - made a few comments myself, on another thread - and still see, that the  way this organisation is being run (customer care wise) IS VERY GOOD - my comments are primarily "constructive criticism"


3 hours ago, 5huggy said:

Well, I have trawled right through every post on this thread and come to my own conclusion - - @TheBuckinghamCollection  are to be commended IMHO - for the actions taken, explanations given.

If there were more dealers out there as apologetic and showing this level of sincerity the PM world would be a happier place on occasion''s

Having said that - I have,  prior to linking back to all this diatribe - made a few comments myself, on another thread - and still see, that the  way this organisation is being run (customer care wise) IS VERY GOOD - my comments are primarily "constructive criticism"


The problems still remain with TBC. Whilst their offer of a free half sov is to be commended, they wouldn't have needed to make it....... IF......, they actually answered emails immediately, and didn't take a month to deliver what other companies can do within 48 hours, in the first place.

IF they ever get themselves organised to be able to offer deliveries within a day or two instead of a week or two, then I may actually give them my business. But my guess is that their business model doesn't allow them to do so. 

3 minutes ago, HighlandTiger said:

The problems still remain with TBC. Whilst their offer of a free half sov is to be commended, they wouldn't have needed to make it....... IF......, they actually answered emails immediately, and didn't take a month to deliver what other companies can do within 48 hours, in the first place.

IF they ever get themselves organised to be able to offer deliveries within a day or two instead of a week or two, then I may actually give them my business. But my guess is that their business model doesn't allow them to do so. 

Thats Fair play - - and we are ALL empowered to go wherever else if the service is not to ones liking - Im awaiting to see how this pans out before I make a final decision


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