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  1. Haha
    OldCoin got a reaction from Roy in Silver squeeze   
    GOD, GUNS, GOLD !!! In that order GGG

    Even though you're being sarcastic and trying to make fun of people different than yourself for peer group acceptance, I will be serious and honest with you.

    No you are destined to be taxed to hell in the UK sadly, and religion (worldly and of man) is so corrupted as it's been controlled by those who collect tax.

    I love God but hate religion as it's so corrupted so your baiting is redundant, if you care you might see the distinction between the two, or just keep being willfully ignorant, untill one day you are on your knees begging for God's help. Remember then how foolish you were to be proud in blasphemy.

    Your Gold wont save you or sustain you, nothing of this world will be acceptable but your faith, honor and righteousness.

    The number matters not, God doesn't need big numbers.
    I pray all with eyes and ears to hear do so before it's too late for them, Thy Will Be Done in any case. May God bring us all out of this Babylon Hell !
  2. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from Edeline in Silver squeeze   
    LOL no I haven't The putting "in God we trust" on the Fed money is them saying they have no gold backing it, they don't serve God they just use the phrase to cover their A$$, that is not conjecture either.
    I wont be told what I must believe or do, I think you've got the wrong guy. In my house God is supreme and I have no shame or guilt for that, no that is not religion. If you don't like that it's your problem, deal with it yourself.

    Yes it's a serious discussion even if I may have deviated off the topic, apologies if that helps anyone.
    As for your generalization about dealers claims being hype, yes I am aware of the pattern. Did Adams do that, what's the problem with what he's done and what I've shared in regard to his email?

    Can you make this make sense, because it doesn't when you deconstruct. All this is based on generalizations of all dealers except for yourself, and pinned on Adams, and me for posting it.
    Nothing serious about it, it's a joke really. The original poster hasn't provided any proof of his claim that got all you in on his bully attack based on feelings not facts.
    Currently Adams work has obviously helped influence a price increase, nobody can deny that.
  3. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from SamsonDD in Silver squeeze   
    These terms right and left are corrupted terms. It's two wings of the same bird.
    I think there's better terms to categorize this deliberate divide and conquer agenda

    Or something along these lines? The status quo labels and categorizations are there to divide us against each other and weaponize the social fabric of society, so their terms are always corrupted and weaponized for political objectives. This is the whole purpose of PC, to make lies hidden or acceptable by whitewashing the nature with deceptive terminology. Anyone with their eyes open can see it, I'm aware you see it.

    I embrace authority only when it's not seeking to undermine or contradict my God Given Rights, as rare as it is. Otherwise I may consent only under it's duress of threat of menaces and harm, but that doesn't make any lawful contract so I'm not in agreement or serving presumed authority which is only maintained through threat of force and menaces.

    It is nothing but a presumed authority if against inherent rights. That presumed authority acting unjustly, is really polarizing currently and ramping up, it wont't rest till it has destroyed everything good. But I think it's got so bold and blatantly evil that it's revealing just how insane it is and without cause.

    It will destroy it'self, evil will destroy evil and those stupid enough to follow it's deceptions and treasonous acts. Natural selection I guess will be a wave that catches some by surprise?

    PS. if you observe the all seeing eye symbol it is the "left" eye, and the matrix movie they give you the "red" pill, red is the color of communism and the left that's no coincidence that the matrix was full of deliberate corruptions of the true reality while pretending to reveal them.

    So, as for the matrix it is revealing but it's corrupted, to give you two controlled choices that lead to the same hell that they want to make here on earth, if not already bad enough. I was awakened well before it came out and was not interested in movies because I knew they were all programming, but it did have some interesting symbology. It's worldly and made by the dark side.

    I took the the path of the Truth, the Way and the Life, Jesus and the Spirit of Almighty Living God since 2016, and I ask it guide me in the truth of all matters each day. Everything in the world and those led by it are corrupted, I like to remind myself this because it's always trying to hook us back in, but it never can when you've found and built a solid foundation in reality and the truth.
    The evil of this world and of people, showed me to this path, the only way I can reconcile this hell we live in was to find and humble myself to God, ironically that makes one even more hated and attacked but it's worth it because it's right, to me anyway and many others. That helped me know who I truly am and not let the worlds and peoples attacks and trespasses on me bother me or in any way define me, it freed me immensely.

    As I've said before loving God and Jesus has nothing to do with religion, man made religion and it was forbidden, it's nothing more than man tempting to be the Government of God to wage war on God and Creation. In the end all secrets will be exposed and the truth will not be hidden anymore. Soon I hope.
  4. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from ScentSationCandles in Silver squeeze   
    Unless it's the "BBC" ?? 

    One must question everything - that I believe, especially the MSM liars.

    However, without a solid reason other than they do not like something then they are just propagandists themselves, and hypocrites to deny it's worth investigation, or vice versa.

    If they don't like whats being said and just want to poo poo it and be abrasive and smear the whole forum as "propagandists" for defending people who've done nothing wrong, then call it for what it is.

    "condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance"
  5. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from ScentSationCandles in Silver squeeze   
    I think it is a bit questionable to say those who are fighting for the manipulated price to correct to it's true value is "manipulation" if it is wouldn't that be just, considering it is a response to financial corruption, which everybody knows is rampant in the markets.
    Sure the Silver dealers have talked up, but I think that's based on sound reason and the fact that the market cant beat the shorters until the demand exceeded supply. Covid and the inflation epidemic coming through wanton money printing has given a window to break the manipulation I think if someone has helped protect peoples investments by getting them out of the paper and into the physical market, they deserve their wage. 

    Sure, dealers like yourself stand to profit from this by it's nature, but this again is only the product of the metal being manipulated in value for too too long, it's not their fault but they are in a good place to capitalize on it and so they should, they work very hard for it and I'm sure you agree in essence. So people fighting to see the market be honest and accountable are not the problem, but a response to the problem, they are not to blame but people will scapegoat them.
    One day the spruikers will be congratulated for foreseeing the outcome and helping people get in at the right time.
    The silver ratios make good sense as a buy factor, but as does the whole global economy and world situation has never been such a motivating factor to get in. Can they keep the fiat system going, well see. I'd rather have something real for my fake paper/plastic. We may never see such high GS ratio as we have previously, that's my bet. Were on the cusp of a new breakout if they can't hold it back, I truly believe it. If it doesn't break highs then that doesn't mean I'm wrong just that they maintain the manipulation.

    I hope the Silver Squeeze fight back even harder, as this is not over yet, it's a war between good and evil as usual. Evil never rests.
  6. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from SamsonDD in Silver squeeze   
    You made a claim Adams is a scammer, if you provide the proof I will acknowledge it and accept I'm wrong. But as it stands you have no proof only conjecture and therefore you should provide it or let it rest and, see how things play out. I trust Adams will be accountable to his supporters and has not done anything wrong.
    Everyone deserves a chance, and I'm giving you every chance to prove your claim, as with Adams who I believe is doing more than yourself as far as I can see. 
  7. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from SamsonDD in Silver squeeze   
    Fully agree. It is fair he start a legal fund, he's in the right and the unallocated sellers know they are the scam, so they go after Adams. I understand that starting a legal raises a red flag and I gave that thought before I posted Adams email here, however so far he's been fighting for silver, for truth and accountability, and the bad guys are making a move on him, it's fair he start a legal fund and people who do their due diligence may support it if they feel it's right and helping bring a true value to the market. So it's fair to give the guy a chance.
    I hate false witness, so if there is proof he is a scammer then lets see it now ?
  8. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from ScentSationCandles in Silver squeeze   
    I'm not suggesting anyone do anything but I do believe Adams has fought for the little guy.
    What do you have to back up your claim, I'm in Australia and there are no reports of AGAG being crooks, they don't sell paper silver and show me a living witness or two's testimony that proves your claim or cease it because sounds false to me. AGAG as far as I know are reputable.
    Adams wouldn't risk his career and reputation with them if they were not. So please put up or shut up and, in absence of the necessary proof of your claim admit you are wrong.
  9. Like
    OldCoin reacted to Robda1986 in Silver squeeze   
    3.5% up in 24 hours think 2.0 had a delayed reaction 
  10. Like
    OldCoin reacted to sixgun in Silver squeeze   
    The further to the right of the political spectrum you go, the less authoritarian it gets. 
    The further to the left of the political spectrum you go, the more authoritarian it gets.
    i am anti-authoritarian - authority always seems to end up in the wrong hands and gets abused - we end up with control systems like the scamdemic.
    By observation and inclination i am very anti-authoritarian;  i am far right.
    You don't want anyone telling you what to do - so you sound right-wing. Perhaps you are in the right place.
  11. Like
    OldCoin reacted to sixgun in Silver squeeze   
    You have said that i have a political agenda - i take it i am posting propaganda. We can't know what is in each other's minds.
    For sure if you were to read all my posts you would see i am hard right by the true definition. i am something of an anarchist. i am anti the cesspit Leftist, woke traitorous perverts that are running riot and sham government fronting up the control system we have right now. i expect if you were to quiz most of The Silver Forum's members you would find the majority are something like me - perhaps not always as 'extreme' but very much in that direction. i am often getting messages from 'watchers'.
    There are many come to The Silver Forum for a bit a relaxation and precious metal chat. i also expect there are a good number watch these threads but don't want to get involved. 
    i think a number of members just haven't got what #silversqueeze is about. They see ulterior motives and manipulators - when it is just getting old and new silverbugs to join in a big group and buy bits of silver with a common goal of getting a bit of silver and maybe breaking the precious metal cartel. 
  12. Confused
    OldCoin reacted to Bigmarc in Silver squeeze   
    All of his videos he is portrayed as a professional. He is a employee of as good as gold. They should pay his legal bills not crowd funded. Any newcomer to the silver forum should be made aware that this man had a agenda and now he is going through court because of it. I have watched many of his videos and yes he is entertaining but that is it, there is a underlying message. 
    Take it what you will. Asking people to fund his court expenses in my opinion is a con. Constantly portraying the Perth mint in a negative light is a con. Why would anyone take financial advise from a employee of a bullion dealer? There are loads of them, all over YouTube. Con.
    Link to John Adams linked in profile, and they mint there own bars. Buy the sounds they have been selling stock they do not have, con. (His own newsletter). 
    It worries me that new silver investors are being sucked into this mass mob culture. There needs to be a element of balance. Don't throw your money because bullion dealers tell you to.
  13. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from sixgun in Silver squeeze   
    Fully agree. It is fair he start a legal fund, he's in the right and the unallocated sellers know they are the scam, so they go after Adams. I understand that starting a legal raises a red flag and I gave that thought before I posted Adams email here, however so far he's been fighting for silver, for truth and accountability, and the bad guys are making a move on him, it's fair he start a legal fund and people who do their due diligence may support it if they feel it's right and helping bring a true value to the market. So it's fair to give the guy a chance.
    I hate false witness, so if there is proof he is a scammer then lets see it now ?
  14. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from SamsonDD in Silver squeeze   
    I'm not suggesting anyone do anything but I do believe Adams has fought for the little guy.
    What do you have to back up your claim, I'm in Australia and there are no reports of AGAG being crooks, they don't sell paper silver and show me a living witness or two's testimony that proves your claim or cease it because sounds false to me. AGAG as far as I know are reputable.
    Adams wouldn't risk his career and reputation with them if they were not. So please put up or shut up and, in absence of the necessary proof of your claim admit you are wrong.
  15. Thanks
    OldCoin reacted to sixgun in Silver squeeze   
    As i say i believe John Adams is doing a good job by bring the scam of unallocated precious metal vaulting to a much wider audience. i have posted about this for a few years on the forum. That eventually the suppression of the precious metal markets through paper metal will blow up once enough people realise the scam and take action. John Adams is part of #silversqueeze by doing just that. If he is getting some profit out of it - then good luck to him - we all have to earn to live - his message is true and needs to be heard.
    If exposing the unallocated vaulting scam as a scam is his agenda then i support him. i would say the way he went at Peter Schiff for selling unallocated Perth Mint holdings was a bit OTT. It felt too personal to my liking but otherwise i don't see what he has done wrong.
    Perth Mint was backstopping the COMEX with metal during the early days of the silver squeeze - this is why they ran dry. The Perth Mint said they have a ton of silver - as i remember 60 tonnes but when it came to delivery customers silver the cupboard was bare. They put out videos showing lots on silver but on close inspection those with eagle eyes spotted these videos were years old. They didn't have the silver and tried to hoodwink the public. 
    If i had an employee going on a crusade albeit i supported what was said and he was running into legal expenses i am not sure i would be at the front of the queue to pay for this. If any money raised is spent on legal expenses there is no con.
    Highlighting the wrongdoing on Perth Mint is not a con. If he is constantly exposing the truth of a situation this is not a con. It is troublesome to those he is attacking but it doesn't mean Adams is wrong.
    Bullion dealers play a very small role in Wall Street Silver - #silversqueeze. It is dominated by private people.
    This is truly a grassroots movement.
  16. Haha
    OldCoin got a reaction from ScentSationCandles in Silver squeeze   
  17. Haha
    OldCoin reacted to Antwerpstacker in Best silver memes   
  18. Like
    OldCoin reacted to HerefordBullyun in Best silver memes   
  19. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from ScentSationCandles in Silver squeeze   
    Also I bet the shorter's are shorting hard as it appeared before close to mitigate a squeeze
  20. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from ScentSationCandles in Silver squeeze   
    every ounce makes a difference and the word of mouth there is something on the boil even if it's going to take time eventually supply will run too thin and price will move.
    Price will move in any case when the stimulus bubble bursts I think
  21. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from SamsonDD in Silver squeeze   
    every ounce makes a difference and the word of mouth there is something on the boil even if it's going to take time eventually supply will run too thin and price will move.
    Price will move in any case when the stimulus bubble bursts I think
  22. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from Zhorro in Silver squeeze   
    every ounce makes a difference and the word of mouth there is something on the boil even if it's going to take time eventually supply will run too thin and price will move.
    Price will move in any case when the stimulus bubble bursts I think
  23. Haha
    OldCoin reacted to Nowhereman in Silver squeeze   
    I'm going down the pub🍺. I will tell you later when I think I know it all🤪
  24. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from HerefordBullyun in Silver squeeze   
    every ounce makes a difference and the word of mouth there is something on the boil even if it's going to take time eventually supply will run too thin and price will move.
    Price will move in any case when the stimulus bubble bursts I think
  25. Like
    OldCoin got a reaction from HonestMoneyGoldSilver in Best silver memes   
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