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A couple of recent posts have got me thinking about gold verification!

Seeing as I’ve been buying a lot of gold recently I’ve just bought some scales & a micrometer!

I’ve done magnet tests and visual checks on everything I’ve received and all have passed.

Most of my gold has been bought from Royal Mint, Atkinsons & Bullion by post and only around 1 and a bit ounces from the forum.

Ive bought gold only from established members with a lot of trading feedback.

Ive so far sold 3 pieces of gold and had 2 pieces checked by LCS before selling (The 3rd was bought direct from the royal mint so didn’t check that one)

So I wondered if others are verifying their gold before selling & as a buyer should I be asking for LCS verification or evidence of Sigma/tester verification? 

I haven’t taken any gold I’ve bought second hand that I’m holding to the LCS yet but maybe I should!

Apologies if this is an old topic that’s been discussed before

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For bullion sovs, get yourself a set of sovereign scales - for example: https://www.sovereigncellar.co.uk/antique-crown-branded-brass-sovereign-rocker--coin-scale-2451-p.asp

They test thickness, diameter and weight for sovs and 1/2 sovs in a very easy to use format. Combined with a magnet test and reviewing the appearance of the coin it should give you a decent level of certainty.

Of course you can then go further down the verification route with the sigma tools or the professional methods at jewellers/LCS but as long as you are buying from trusted sources and using the above techniques I think you're 99% likely to OK.

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1 minute ago, Clockpuncher said:

For bullion sovs, get yourself a set of sovereign scales - for example: https://www.sovereigncellar.co.uk/antique-crown-branded-brass-sovereign-rocker--coin-scale-2451-p.asp

They test thickness, diameter and weight for sovs and 1/2 sovs in a very easy to use format. Combined with a magnet test and reviewing the appearance of the coin it should give you a decent level of certainty.

Of course you can then go further down the verification route with the sigma tools or the professional methods at jewellers/LCS but as long as you are buying from trusted sources and using the above techniques I think you're 99% likely to OK.

ThankYou CP and I am 100% happy with everything & everyone I’ve bought from. 

I just wondered if others were doing their due diligence before they make a purchase or post a sale listing.

Those scales are pretty cool and I might pick them up if only for a second check against my more modern techniques plus they will look good on the desk.


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12 minutes ago, SovereignBull said:

ThankYou CP and I am 100% happy with everything & everyone I’ve bought from. 

I just wondered if others were doing their due diligence before they make a purchase or post a sale listing.

Those scales are pretty cool and I might pick them up if only for a second check against my more modern techniques plus they will look good on the desk.


I verify everything i buy and use due diligence so when i put a sales listing on i am confident in what i am selling, some bars have been faked and it was mentioned a while back that some perth gold bars in assays were being faked, check and double check, do as much as you feel happy with but if in doubt, dont buy

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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53 minutes ago, SovereignBull said:

A couple of recent posts have got me thinking about gold verification!

Seeing as I’ve been buying a lot of gold recently I’ve just bought some scales & a micrometer!

I’ve done magnet tests and visual checks on everything I’ve received and all have passed.

Most of my gold has been bought from Royal Mint, Atkinsons & Bullion by post and only around 1 and a bit ounces from the forum.

Ive bought gold only from established members with a lot of trading feedback.

Ive so far sold 3 pieces of gold and had 2 pieces checked by LCS before selling (The 3rd was bought direct from the royal mint so didn’t check that one)

So I wondered if others are verifying their gold before selling & as a buyer should I be asking for LCS verification or evidence of Sigma/tester verification? 

I haven’t taken any gold I’ve bought second hand that I’m holding to the LCS yet but maybe I should!

Apologies if this is an old topic that’s been discussed before

A Sigma Verifier will cost you about 2 sovereigns, it does give peace of mind. I bought one to check our coins bought in the past, but also I felt that when and if I do sell any, using it will maintain my credibility.

A coin is not only a store of value but a store of beauty.

Amor Vincit Omnia.

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and yes, I know that, but it only happened to me with other metals, but I don't have any problems with gold so far, and as you can see, I have tested different golds

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I think the Royal Mint have struck gold with their security features

You can buy 2021 and later coins with the security features and it gives you that piece of mind. I'm still selective about who I buy gold from but you can't go wrong with built-in security

Mind is primary and mass-energy is derivative

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Hi, www.trustimetrix.com is now the only UK distributor for Sigma Metalytics pmv s. Check out Sigmas home page and distributor list.https://www.sigmametalytics.com/pmv-videos-improved a sample of the different machines on offer. The specific gravity test on later models fixes the problem s the original has. Good luck.

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10 minutes ago, dicker said:

As per a post on a similar thread, I really do think that a detailed visual inspection is hugely valuable.  Comparing against a reference coin.


Agreed! As well as all the measurement device a magnifying device is on the cards. Just need to find the right mix of utility & elegance! 

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Appreciate everyone has different opinions but I do find my very high resolution Mac and Carson camera very good for this, along with a loupe.


Not my circus, not my monkeys

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On 06/01/2024 at 20:49, NGMD said:

Not always accurate though.


Correct - surface conductivity test is not enough.

A test through the coin/bar is also needed (to identify inserts), as well as precise weight and dimension check (density)

Sigma Pro variants can help there.


The above specimen however might fail a thorough visual inspection, which is essential occassionally😄

Might have also fail the magnet and ping tests (subject to soup ingredients)

Edited by JohnA1

Everybody knows the war is over / Everybody knows the good guys lost
                      Everybody knows the boat is leaking / Everybody knows the captain lied..   Be seeing you2 sm.jpg

                                                                            “The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent”

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4 hours ago, JohnA1 said:

Correct - surface conductivity test is not enough.

A test through the coin/bar is also needed (to identify inserts), as well as precise weight and dimension check (density)

Sigma Pro variants can help there.


The above specimen however might fail a thorough visual inspection, which is essential occassionally😄

Might have also fail the magnet and ping tests (subject to soup ingredients)

How dare you! It graded 70. Good to go. £385.

“Foook You, you’re an irrelevant customer, go somewhere else peasant, nobody’s listening, I’m alright Jack”

-Royal Mint 2024

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