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A delivery driver who stole more than £53,000 worth of parcels in just three months has walked free from court because of 'prison overcrowding'.

Steven Black repeatedly stole valuable goods from the DHL depot where he worked but was caught after bosses became suspicious about the missing parcels. . . . . . . . . . . 

22 minutes ago, CazLikesCoins said:

In the article it mentions he stole ten Britannia 10z gold coins worth almost £15,000 

I want to know where I can buy at that price lol.

You need to read carefully

6 hours ago, Paul said:

.......Steven Black repeatedly stole valuable goods from the DHL.....

  Maybe longfinger Stevie has Ebay? 



10 hours ago, dikefalos said:

You need to read carefully

  Maybe longfinger Stevie has Ebay? 



Oh well that answers that. eBay, where gen'u'wine sovrinz' are bought and sold for a fiver and tested for purity by nibbling the rims. 

Mind you, from the story it looks like he got away with about forty thou' and still didn't go to prison. Working as a pallet  driver now. Think I'll pop along to eBay and see what his prices are like. Kidding, I don't buy stolen goods but next time I watch the old Batman tv series telling me crime doesn't pay I'll scream at the telly and tell him he should live in the future. Flying cars my bottom, tea leaves everywhere living on the proceeds of continually getting away with it, even when they get caught.

On 10/03/2023 at 08:58, CazLikesCoins said:

...tea leaves everywhere living on the proceeds of continually getting away with it, even when they get caught.

Sounds like Westminster to me.

36 minutes ago, SidS said:

Sounds like Westminster to me.

Yes exactly. if you're a Boris type public figure you can give lucrative contracts to your friends and get your house redecorated from the public purse. No thievery necessary. It's all done legally thanks to writing their own rulebook.  

Mind you, reading about Boris hiding in a fridge to avoid an interview and promoting his fav' Whisky while giving a speech at a Sikh temple raised a chuckle. Tells everyone to stay separated during lockdown then wanders off for a piss-up with his mates. Man's a comedian. 

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