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It always helps to post both sides of the coin.  

Where did you obtain it from - ebay by any chance?



Not my circus, not my monkeys

4 minutes ago, dicker said:

It always helps to post both sides of the coin.  

Where did you obtain it from - ebay by any chance?



For security reasons, it could make sense to post one side of the coin one day, then post the other side once you know the first side has arrived safely!




Happy to have a look - do you have a clear pic?



Not my circus, not my monkeys


Firstly, the coin has a very odd tone to it.  

Secondly the x appears to be raised - very odd.

There are what look like pop marks in the fields (where a coin is cast and air bubbles rise to the surface)

The date looks wrong in terms of the numerals

There is another oddity at the base of Liberty’s neck, which to my eye looks to have taken place at the time of manufacture. An M shaped chunk notch is evident   

It’s also worth testing the weight and checking it is not magnetic.

A Morgan should weigh 26.73g.  Even though yours is worn, it won’t be radically lighter.  

There are other tests, but I suspect you will only need to weigh it and check with a magnet.  



Not my circus, not my monkeys


not magnetic.  @ 26.69g Klopp KCS-60 Scale


thank you for your time and your interest in my question. I know you have a lot of experience and I truly appreciate you sharing it with me.

My father was emotionally attached to his collections. 


All the best to you and feel free to ask for help.  We are a friendly forum!



Not my circus, not my monkeys

2 hours ago, dicker said:

M shaped chunk notch

There is an M present on the neck of "lady liberty" (it's a bloke in my opinion, likely based upon Apollo and those before him that bore different names but that's not a discussion for this tread 🤣) on Morgan Dollars although this example looks a little severe it is where you would expect it. The 'X' on the reverse is weird as it does look raised, and there are some other oddities present on the coin at least as far as the photographs reveal.

If your profile is accurate @aisleofview you're in the USA, any chance you have a local coin shop with a knowledgeable owner that could take a look?


I am indeed not too far from San Francisco and will search for a trustworthy coin shop.   I will post back with the results in a few weeks .   Thank you again for your time.


Ill leave you with another :

Probably another counterfeit (right, Dicker?) But I find the mint marks on these 1902's quite interesting




Would be best to get someone to look at these I think.

Neither are especially low mintage but there are vast number of counterfeits out there.

This is an example of the sort of counterfeits that are very common and can be bought from China / EBay / Anyique while for very little.  Some even come in PCGS slabs…




Not my circus, not my monkeys

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