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I've used these people in the past no problem - recently though I've noticed an additional £33 'Customs Declaration' charge has popped up - which is a dealbreaker for me .

Anyone experienced this?


Not used since pre Brexit but super reliable and are the main company that was behind silver to go which was of use to a lot of us. 


I've not bought from them since Brexit. Sadly it's just the way it is. No legal way of dodging, you'd have to get into skullduggery and smuggling to avoid.

To be fair to these guys they were way ahead of the game and forewarned me about 6 months before Brexit that the sh 1 t would be becoming a close personal acquaintance of Mr Fan!


+1. I am in Taiwan. And it need ,too. But this is the job of the courier company, and it doesn't even cost money。so I haven't buy now😂I would rather you put the price on top of it, than deliberately lower the price to attract attention, and finally add a bunch of fees at the time of settlement, even for an improper reason🤮


Used it once, they were pretty good for the first time I used it, speedy delivery and delivered exactly what they said they were selling. I will use again depending on the price of what I can get items it varies though from dealer to dealer from time to time with who has the best prices. 

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