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Old Sovereign or new QB? Scenario


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Just a topic for us to discuss, keen to hear thoughts of some of the veterans here as I've been asking myself this question. Tough for me as I love both, and, in fact, I only really stack/collect sovereigns and gold QBs.

Here is a the convo starter.

If you had 1.5-2k burning a hole in your pocket, would you spend it on:

1 - an old, relatively rare sovereign, such as 1820-ish AU58. A few on ebay recently went for around this price.

2 - a recent QB 1oz bullion dragon, lion, unicorn etc. around the above price depending on condition.

I'm leaning towards the older sovereign. It just has more interest/history for me, and, I could be wrong, but also has more stability/proven value, and is less effected by gold spot?

What do you say?


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For me personally it's not a brain teaser, I'd go for the sovreigns every time. I like the Queen's beasts series alot but If I had a spare 2k I'd go for maybe 3 high AU grade sovs...I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket and love the diversity of Sovreigns especially the older ones....I'd buy a George III or George IV and 2 Victorian sovs  around the 1840 era.

I do have a few modern day 1oz Gold coins Britannia's, Australian Kangaroos and the Nuggets but my interest is mainly sovreigns from George III through to George V but mainly Victorian as the different designs,mints and shield backs appeal to me the most...But that's just my view..Will be interesting to see what others say on this topic.


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Always think about the ease and cost of selling later.
Unless you already have a nice nest egg of bullion I would recommend buying the cheapest gold coins with instant liquidity that you can find e.g. sovereigns, Britannias, Maples etc and if looking at the QB series avoid the premium issues and look for the most recent & cheapest.
However if you want a cherished coin there is nothing wrong in that but ask yourself why ?


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Gold Britannia's down in price in all sizes also alot of other 1oz Gold bullion but not seeing a change in the Queen's beasts?? I had a few Emails from Apmex,Bullionbypost and Coin invest summarising the fall in Gold n Silver and to take advantage of the lower prices...I was expecting to go on their sites only to be told "Out of stock" Thinking that the dealers might be holding on to their bullion until prices rise. Listening to some analyst's, Gold could go as low as $1650..before it rallies and has a bounce back..we shall see. I don't mind,just means I can buy more Gold..

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4 hours ago, Pete said:

Always think about the ease and cost of selling later.
Unless you already have a nice nest egg of bullion I would recommend buying the cheapest gold coins with instant liquidity that you can find e.g. sovereigns, Britannias, Maples etc and if looking at the QB series avoid the premium issues and look for the most recent & cheapest.
However if you want a cherished coin there is nothing wrong in that but ask yourself why ?


I agree totally with your comment apart from the Maples.  2018 onwards the canadian mint improved their minting quality and quality control with their added security features and minting techniques to improve the deterent of the dreaded Milkspotting... but pre 2018 they did have big problems with their milkspotting..Every mint does especially  the Royal mint...I love the reverse side of the Maples a very cool design but I avoid them like the Australian  Kangeroos..not for the same reason but because the Roo's tend to be faked alot,especially the 2016...so the liquidity of Maples to me "Long term/Short term  is always going to be a issue when selling because of their reputation for their quality control and "Blemishes" shall we say on their bullion coins...


But saying that.....Buy what you like but buy from a dealer you trust and examine completely the bullion coin you are buying..but as we all know buying a bullion Silver/Gold coin in mint'ish condition on the day   doesn't always mean 6 months + down the line it might form some spots etc....but that is the risk we all take when purchasing any Bullion,moreover proof coins....luck of the draw.


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