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mispriced or just rediculass?


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I understand that the QB earlier coins have a higher premium than the newer coins, but that cant be right can it. 2oz QB lion £92.97. Might as well get the 10oz coin for £220.66.



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1 minute ago, BackyardBullion said:

They are €57 on GS.be

Seems the place to pick them up for less than silly price

Was just looking not after picking up but ye there’s other places to get it from at better prices than there.


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If you were looking to buy at this point I can't see any point in going for the lion. Mintage of the lion is around 30 to 40% higher than subsequent releases so the supply is always going to be lower for the newer stuff. Current margins (at GSBe) for the two out-of-productions coins (lion and griffin) are not so different at 83% and 106%.

The dragon is at 31% and will soon go out of production, at which point I'd expect the margin to climb to similar levels fairly quickly. The same thing is true of the unicorn, currently at 22.4%, only you'll have to wait longer for the production to cease. Some people think the bull might sell poorly due to a less appealing design and become in short supply later so maybe this is the one to buy...

None of us can really see the future but it seems to me that any of the last three 2oz silver coins have plenty of potential upside in them (40 to 50% if they reach the same margin as the griffin currently).

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yes, the older QB coins have quite a premium now. It's think its just supply and demand. When the Lion launched, the premium was exorbitant so I avoided it, but then it seemed to crash through the floor and so I started stacking them... very glad I have a few now. According to my spreadsheet the QB series makes up 7.6% of my stack :)


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  • 2 months later...

I always look at my profits - or lack thereof in this case - for my silver bullion based on the daily price of silver.
I have bought a tube of ten of each 2 oz QB, usually around the time it shows up on the Atkinsons website, at times I even pre-order.

The source of my disappointment has so far been the falling price of silver

It cost me £473.44 for my 10 Lions.
Recently I paid only £294.70 for my 10 Black Bulls.

So... when I read a thread like that and a Lion at above £90, even if it is a bit much, that brings back a smile. Even at £50 I am already in the black and recovered the tax.

The goal is to re-sell them as ten collections of ten coins at least five years after the last one... if I need the money... because I really like them.
So the crazy climbing premium on the Lion and the budding one on the Griffin is music to my ears.

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