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  1. Like
    breaktwister reacted to 90percentproof in Britannia Photo Thread...   
    My proof £10 Britannia collection, missing in gold: 1991, 1992, 2000, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2009 and 2012 -  present. 

  2. Like
    breaktwister reacted to oliversw5 in NK gold coins   
  3. Like
    breaktwister reacted to TheGoldSovereign in Today I Received.....   
  4. Like
    breaktwister reacted to sixgun in Gold Monitoring Thread £ GBP only   
    The guy has no more idea than the man in the Moon about what is going to happen over the coming months or year.
    There have indeed been some large volume sells going on - this means there have been some large volume buys going on. For ever contract sold there is a contract bought. There are many calls at the moment for gold to go down into the end of the year. When there are many calls about anything you can be sure it is propaganda at the behest of the central planners
    The paper markets are managed by the central planners because this is part of their management of fiat currencies and stock market indices. The single seller volumes that get flushed through breach intra-day position limits. These get reported for what it is worth to the so-called regulators who ignore these reports b/c it is their ultimate bosses who are doing the selling. There have been some desperate attempts to cap price at critical moving averages in the last few weeks. The only reason for the big volume sells is the likes of the Bank of International Settlements and agents of the Fed have been selling 100's of tonnes of paper gold and triggering stops of 1000's of tonnes of speculator positions. The problem they face when this happens and price slumps it triggers a tsunami of physical buy orders that sit there waiting. These take a few days to ultimately hit the markets but when these are presented for delivery they can and do push price higher b/c bullion banks have to deliver and they hedge this. The reason price is not at $800 is simply b/c of the physical market.
    There is a game being played between Western central planners attempting to prop up the USD and the stock and bond markets on the one side and the Asian physical buyers, including their central banks on the other. For as long as physical can be delivered at bargain prices the physical market participants are happy for this to continue, all the time draining Western vaults until they are dry. i genuinely see this game is reaching a climax. i know large tonnage buy orders have been blocked, i hear 100's of tonnes of gold are going through the Exchange for Physical COMEX conduit which is supposed to be an exceptional event but this has been ramping up over recent months. Here COMEX shorts are actually being confronted with demands for delivery that will not go away even with bribes of large premiums. Even the regulators are feeling inclined to look into this.
    This is building up and has been building up over the summer. Physical buying appears to be as strong as in 2008 when gold launched into its huge bull run. None of this will ever be visible from a chart of phantom gold proxies like GLD. Something is brewing and a price reset is certainly not a million miles away. A concerted physical buying frenzy is all that would be needed to close the markets and reset price significantly higher. When this does happen and it will, it will not be a slow process.
  5. Like
    breaktwister reacted to KDave in Record Keeping - how do you keep track of your stack?   
    When using money from gold sales as part of the deposit to buy property I had to prove buying and selling the coins, I assume to prove I did not receive them as a gift, and also to meet money laundering requirements - not sure what recipes prove in that department though to be honest. Keep your invoices when purchasing and stick them in a safe deposit box with your metals like paul says. 
    There is another advantage if you stack only one or two types of coin. You can use invoices for the same type, say sovereigns, which will over the years have different values and this will allow you to play tax games - claim you are selling coins at a loss by using recent invoices if spot drops, or in the future if CGT free status is removed and you sell coins that were bought 10 years prior, use invoices from recent purchases. 'Mixed years' invoices are a good hedge against future tax changes.  
  6. Like
    breaktwister reacted to Pampfan in Today I bought.....   
    Is it possibly the same coin used to make the purchase?
  7. Like
    breaktwister reacted to Cornishfarmer in Today I bought.....   
    1779 guinea. Paid too much but it's the year my family bought our farm and it seemed an omen 

  8. Like
    breaktwister reacted to Agpanda in Today I bought.....   
    Got them all from ebay, last one was only 32$ + shipping
    I have a contact in US who buy them for me and resend them to me
    He saves them until he have 5-6 of them to save on shipping cost
    Most sellers have free shipping within US
  9. Like
    breaktwister reacted to Lindeman in Today I bought.....   
    Some Scottsdale Reserve rounds (20, 2015), four 100g cast silver Scottsdale bars, two NGC storage boxes for slabs ...and a book (should have bought it 2 years ago...) Bowers Guide of Morgan Silver Dollars.  Looks like my 1893 Morgan is on its way to me as well -- so I hope to be able to confirm that is all in good order later this week?
  10. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from arcglide in Today I bought.....   
    My biggest purchase yet.  Am I right that none of these coins were issued as singles, sets only? 
    I have been stacking for nearly a year and have fallen for the proof Britannia's.  I have been quietly picking up the series via ebay auctions and have got quite a few for less than the price of bullion which I think is bonkers given the low mintages.  Happy to wait now for the series to become popular! 
  11. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from Jester in Today I bought.....   
    My biggest purchase yet.  Am I right that none of these coins were issued as singles, sets only? 
    I have been stacking for nearly a year and have fallen for the proof Britannia's.  I have been quietly picking up the series via ebay auctions and have got quite a few for less than the price of bullion which I think is bonkers given the low mintages.  Happy to wait now for the series to become popular! 
  12. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from stackspot in Today I bought.....   
    My biggest purchase yet.  Am I right that none of these coins were issued as singles, sets only? 
    I have been stacking for nearly a year and have fallen for the proof Britannia's.  I have been quietly picking up the series via ebay auctions and have got quite a few for less than the price of bullion which I think is bonkers given the low mintages.  Happy to wait now for the series to become popular! 
  13. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from sovereignsteve in Today I bought.....   
    My biggest purchase yet.  Am I right that none of these coins were issued as singles, sets only? 
    I have been stacking for nearly a year and have fallen for the proof Britannia's.  I have been quietly picking up the series via ebay auctions and have got quite a few for less than the price of bullion which I think is bonkers given the low mintages.  Happy to wait now for the series to become popular! 
  14. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from prophet800 in Today I bought.....   
    My biggest purchase yet.  Am I right that none of these coins were issued as singles, sets only? 
    I have been stacking for nearly a year and have fallen for the proof Britannia's.  I have been quietly picking up the series via ebay auctions and have got quite a few for less than the price of bullion which I think is bonkers given the low mintages.  Happy to wait now for the series to become popular! 
  15. Like
    breaktwister reacted to prophet800 in Sovereign Photo Thread...   
  16. Like
    breaktwister reacted to Cully in Sovereign Photo Thread...   
  17. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from stackspot in Today I bought.....   
    Bought my second proof sovereign from HGM last night (first buy was the 2017 proof). pic was of a 1996 for £272 they only had one in stock.
    Is this a good deal? prices elsewhere seem much higher and I know there were no bullion sovs that year.
  18. Like
    breaktwister reacted to arshimo2012 in Today I bought.....   
    If you bought a proof sov from HGM most likely the coin will be handled.
  19. Like
    breaktwister reacted to Oldun in Today I bought.....   
    Just edited. Please review my post Late here and I'm old...at least that's my excuse. Good shopping for a new fella - well done
  20. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from Agpanda in Today I bought.....   
    Bought my second proof sovereign from HGM last night (first buy was the 2017 proof). pic was of a 1996 for £272 they only had one in stock.
    Is this a good deal? prices elsewhere seem much higher and I know there were no bullion sovs that year.
  21. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from Oldun in Today I bought.....   
    New to the game oldun so Im not sure I follow your comparison of my proof purchase with a more recent bullion? I believe mintage of the 1996 proof was 9000 with no bullion coins issued that year?
  22. Like
    breaktwister got a reaction from Oldun in Today I bought.....   
    Bought my second proof sovereign from HGM last night (first buy was the 2017 proof). pic was of a 1996 for £272 they only had one in stock.
    Is this a good deal? prices elsewhere seem much higher and I know there were no bullion sovs that year.
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