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1 Oz versus Sovereigns


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So, having started in silver, my thoughts are turning to gold.


I know everyone is keen on Sovs,  widely recognised etc etc, but I am more into value for money, which means full Oz's.

I definitely can't see the point of anything below half-sov.


Can anyone, convince me otherwise?


EDIT: Forgot to ask about the 2 Rand as well.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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Bob - I started the other way round to you! I also prefer the value of the 1 oz, and they look/ feel great. Personally I started with mixed year Krugerrands from GoldBullionCo, as these were/are still the best entry point for stacking gold, in my view. HGM and Atkinsons seem in same price range over spot. 2014 maples also nice. My head says just buy 1 oz Krugs, but my heart is interested in some of the fancier ones - Libertad, US eagles etc but they will cost a bit more.

I got 10 full sovereigns, but I agree - the prem on anything less than a full sovereign turns me cold...

Which gold 1 oz are you considering?

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Can anyone, convince me otherwise?




Hatton Garden Metals sell 1/10 coins for 3% over spot, the same as they sell 1ozers, factoring in the postage means for a 1/10 means more but still it's pretty good

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See your point Kman, also maybe easier to move on down the line?


Lindeman, thought I would be limited to KRands offering the best value, but as someone pointed out the other day (mr Dead?) there is a similar price at present for the Maple and Lunar horse, so the chance is there for a little variety.

I don't see myself being drawn to premium or proof. I have other collecting interests to feed that habit :)

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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I would choose sovereigns full or half's simply because in the future you may not want to sell a full ounce of gold.


As for the 2 Rand coins I have just bought one will look at it in more detail over the coming week to decide if I want any more.


But for me now sovereigns full and half's, easy to dispose of in the future as fractionals.

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See your point Kman, also maybe easier to move on down the line?


I don't think you will have trouble selling oz, maybe if you start buying 50g bars they might be a little harder to shift. 


Also just remembered goldline sell 1/10 gold maples for 83.25 which is £832.50 + postage for 10 to make an oz


That's not bad at all is it


So it's not always bad deal the smaller coins in comparison to an oz, just depends where you are buying from. 


I would say also you pay more for a 1/10 perth lunar but they're quite collectible so even though you pat a little premium that premium will probably increase over the years so when it comes time to sell you will come out of it well.


So I would say it all depends really, where you buy from and if they're semi-numismatic.


I'm no expert on these things though so please take everything I say with a pinch of salt. 

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All good points - I am learning. Cheapest 1 oz I see today Bob is a Krug @ 776 from Atkinsons. I would like a Uk Horse for less than £800, but I can't see them. Funny - the one coin nobody mentions is the Britannia. I got one to compare , but I have to say its not my fav! Too reflective for me , so in that sense I prefer the Maple or a Krug. Anybody else like the new Brits?

Can't dispute Keith on the ease to sell a half or a full sov. But I hope in 10 years I am able to find buyers without too much hassle. The idea that a half is worth £100 anywhere in the world is kinda neat. I read somewhere here about tipping with silver!! Hope we don't need gold for that in future.

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I have a varied mixture from 0.5grams up to 1ounce in gold. Personally, I don't know what the future holds. But I can sell something small to raise a few quids, or something bigger to raise more! I think of it as a variable exit strategy! lol


I have some sovs too. I love them. No half sovs, but would pick one up if I found a bargain. Other than that all my gold is 999. Although I would add a krugerand to the stack if I had the chance. No spare wonga at the moment.


I like having a mixture of coins. And if prices were low like they are now, and all I could afford to buy was a 20th or a 10th, then I would take advantage of the low prices and buy it! It is still an investment if you hold it long enough regardless of premiums.

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you also have to consider selling..


Sovs and britannia's have zero CGT (at the moment).. Will probably change if gold takes off

Same with silver.. If silver spikes and you want to sell 500 ounces ..selling 500 Britannia's incurs no CGT but 500 eagles would incur CGT

You would probably need to use a dealer to get rid of large amounts and large sales will have to be reported


Just something to think about

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Thanks. Something for me to mull over.


1 Oz definitely better value, but harder to shift if prices got too high when it becomes time to exit. Still, a nice problem to have.


Keith, let us know how those 2 Rands work out.




Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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Thanks. Something for me to mull over.

1 Oz definitely better value, but harder to shift if prices got too high when it becomes time to exit. Still, a nice problem to have.

Keith, let us know how those 2 Rands work out.




@kman. Meaning if you buy at 3% above spot doesn't matter if sov, 1oz or 10oz it's still 3% over spot making it the same value (but a shed load more expensive!!!!)

You have 1/2 sov and 1/10 Brit, which you think look best?

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Cornishfarmer, I can not see any Sovereigns only 3% above spot. Gram for gram the smaller coins are always more expensive.


Thanks for the update/pic Keith.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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@baldybob, HGM sometimes have but you have to buy 10, some coin shops also or just find out @keithoils travel plans and get there before him


As I have said before there are some really good deals to be had in local jewellers just go in and ask and you have to be a bit cheeky sometimes to get a really good deal.


I have, and after doing this become quite good friends with them.


I now have email addresses by which I can contact them direct for my coins.

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I reckon my two 2013 gold Brits are highly collectible already. I would need a good offer to sell one them.


I got mine for spot + 3%

Since the spot has crashed since I bought them I am nursing a paper loss.

What is a good offer to part with one as you stated ?

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