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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by MonkeysUncle

  1. Maybe they bought a fake coin off of ebay and measured that. Or a crappy ruler. Or maybe they had a visually and numerically challenged numpty do the measuring? Or a tag team of Stevie Wonder and Kwasi Kwarteng...
  2. Where's Pythagoras when you need him?
  3. I've just planted a lavender hedge by the way. It cost a lot less per oz than gold! 😁
  4. It's a pretty darn safe bet right now I would say. The stock markets are going to turn into one of those scary roller coasters. And if you survive the ride a dinosaur will be there to sort you out. Cash is not King anymore. That's Charlie's job!
  5. Just posting a link to a commentary by a Gent who I take a lot of notice of. His business is flogging shiny stuff, so there is some bias admittedly. Enjoy! https://goldswitzerland.com/global-financial-storm-of-epic-proportions/
  6. MonkeysUncle

    Dreadful fake

    When I read the title I thought this possibly was a reference to our "Government". I wonder if you can buy one of those on ebay...
  7. I'd be careful. They're strange. Take protection. Learn to talk Geordie, don't wear a shirt and stick a fake tattoo on. That should keep them at arms length
  8. Just blu tac some of your tubes of bullion together and whack a cushion on top. Top furniture advice of the day.
  9. At risk of sounding like a stuck record record record the Perth Mint Tiger is bellissimo. It's their Chinese lunar year animal mallarky so a different critter every year which adds interest. If you want I can pretend to be your long lost brother and you can stick one in my stocking. I'm kind and considerate like that!
  10. Whilst I have grumbled quite a bit about silver of late, I still hold quite a bit of the stuff I bought without VAT. VAT is a total no no for me, an investment killer. Although I gave in to urge and acquired what Mr Chard would class as a doorstop of 1kg Queens Beast Completers. Like a siren they called to me... Anyhow, all this talk of ETFs. I have a reasonable wedge of my pension in the fund I'm linking below. One to consider possibly I would suggest: https://www.wisdomtree.eu/en-gb/products/ucits-etfs-unleveraged-etps/commodities/wisdomtree-physical-silver# I also hold it's sister gold fund. The point with these two is the fund has the physical metal, it's not paper pretend metal like so many metal funds. Disclaimer: I'm not a financial adviser, just a very naughty boy. If you want financial advise stick your money in HMS Bullyn, but preferably in a water proof bag
  11. 😄 Looks like I did an Alan Davies on QI. Still, why would accuracy be of importance at the mint...
  12. Just spread the 365 oz out evenly under bedroom floorboards, you don't want it unexpectedly putting in appearance in t'living room!
  13. Perfect condition?! Definitely Chinese manufacture, RM wouldn't know perfect if he smacked them in the kisser with a frying pan. Probably the same frying pan they stamp the dies into the coins with...
  14. Just looked at pricing compared with a Brit... then looked at pricing between a certain Blackpool dealer and a certain Birmingham dealer. You would certainly buy the Beast in the Midlands... but the Brit is over 60 quid cheaper ooop North. Didn't honestly expect that much of a difference. Although you do get free postage from one of the two! 😛
  15. As has been said by many Chards have or shortly will have and I know BbP are expecting "a lot" possibly as early as next week. I'm currently having one of my usual dithers. Which is buy 2022 as Last Lizzie, buy some older proper gold coloured ones or sit on cash waiting for gold to go down. If there were a Guinness world record for dithering then I would be in with a shout... Or I could just get another gorgeous Perth Tiger. Or...
  16. Got it! A lovely 2023 with QEII on, with a special obverse of the QEII ocean liner. Then as a Brucie Bonus a Charlie's Head sticker and some other random Charlie related sticker to clag on at a later date. I think RM Product Development needs to hire me like now.
  17. My belief of a housing market crash is based on the one very simple principle - namely interest rates are going to climb significantly and stay up for the foreseeable. This will lead to many folk not being able to meet mortgage repayments which will lead to repossessions. Other folk won't be able to afford a mortgage to start with. This is something I firmly believe is going to happen in the UK very soon and I have organised my finances based on this principle. I also have 20 to 30% off the FTSE and Dow (only two indices I take note of) and gold at $1,500. I have been accused of being a permabear on more than one occasion. But I'm not doing too bad for a working class Northerner who started wi' nowt.
  18. The reality is they would get nowt, nada, zero, zilch, as unless the Government investigator who probes you decides you can't afford the proverbial pot to wee wee in then you can go forth. National Insurance? Pah! Turn your money into physical items, like bullion or jewellery or Swiss watchesor rare and collectible cars, or even pound notes. Stuff that won't lose value. Houses are a bit tricky to hide though unless you have a convenient leylandii hedge... and besides which I totally believe that the property market is going to tank very badly. Top Tip: if you must hide Sovs under the mattress it's more comfortable to take them out if the tube first!
  19. As this country is by and large a circus run by clowns, I see potential for RM to milk this... sorry, I mean realise the potential! For the full Sov, a nice big top. Half Sov a clown. Quarter Sov a clowns squirty water flowery thing. Double Sov some lions. Quintuple Sov - Clown Central itself, Westminster
  20. "Greed is good." G. Gekko.
  21. Not if I'm given it for free. I promise not to cry then! 😛
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