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No Milk Spot Coins


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Hi everyone, just noticed someone mention that their Noahs Ark coin has milkspotted.Now although i am only supposed to be collecting for investment i think i would rather have coins that look good given the choice. Are there any coins that definitely will mot milk spot or could it happen to any pure silver coin.


I'll probably be corrected but I've never heard of milk spots on any perth mint coins, also I've not heard many complaints of royal mint silver or the American mint, I'd still say a good stacking coin would be britannias or silver eagles, just my opinion.


Milk spot has become a one case fits all description to describe the visual appearance, but the reasons for it at are varied.


From what I read and understand Maples are prone to this and due to the planchet (cleaning)  process that is undertaken when the coins are first minted. For other coins the spotting appears due to the annealing process when the metal is smelted, while handling of the coins ( skin grease) can also trigger spotting.


The kill-all however seems to be humidity. Although we associate humidity with heat, excessive water vapour in more temperate climates has a similar effect. Thus in the UK a house with damp and insufficient heating and ventilation is potentially producing an environment for a coin that is akin to the tropics. Capsules, silica gel desiccant, and a stable temperature will all help to reduce this.


Think the answer to the question is that all coins are prone to spotting, some ( Maples) more than others.( Perth Mint). The bigger issues is how you store and keep your coins 


I have some Eagles that have milked also not in the stack but delivered,I agree they can all milk spot but i think the Maple and Noah are prone.Depends on your stack objective if your going for ounces acquired and selling  for the melt at some point who cares about spots, The Canadian mint are on record as saying the maple is just bullion.

If it is collector silver your after then we all know that Perth is the way to go.

Bullion or Collect-ability.do your own diligence and get on with it.

I have stopped buying at the moment, i have wrapped and stored all my metals put away trying to forget i got it now till the time is wright to off load.Just got bored with bullion stacking.I dare say i will fire up again at some point.Just enjoying the forum for now and saving in my ISA instead.


I have a couple of Eagles which appear milky on the edges, but not the faces. They are stored in a US mint tube, and have spent very little time in the open air, only handled with gloved hands. Most of my maples are milky to varying degrees, stored in a RCM tube.


Britannias are all fine, and my Philharmonics are (for now) all unblemished as well - both stored in their respective mint tubes. My limited collection of Perth Mint coins are all fine (though never been out of capsules), and so far, my Noahs Arks (all capped as well) are fine too. At some point I might transfer them to a tube and we'll see what happens. Hope they stay pristine though. 


Perth Mint has always been good and my Pandas look good. I was going to suggest Philharmonics but I just checked one of mine, and it has milk spots. Nothing a white eraser and some water can't fix. Standard Maples, Philies, Eagles etc... aren't collectable so it doesn't matter to me since it's a very easy fix.

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The worst milk spotting is on the maples and other RCM products. However there are incidents of milk spots occurring on a lot of other coins some more common than others.


Some of the best coins that seem not to develop any issues are Perth Mint products and pandas as mentioned above by TheBullionBoy.


The somalian elephant is a very beautiful coin that changes design each year, but I recently learnt these have a possibility of developing milk spots. I have a full tube of 2014 :o hopefully they remain without spots.

I believe there to be some incidents of noahs ark coins developing milk spots, but it is no where near as bad as maple leafs. The Canadian maple leafs and other RCM bullion products develop milk spots because of a cleaning agent used in the production process. This cleaning agent is not properly cleaned and ends on on top of the coins and is baked into them. Generally it is not noticeable until this baked in cleaning agent oxides. Therefore good storage can lower the rate of which milk spots become visable.

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I've got a spot developing on my 2013 panda, still better than my 1.5oz polar but luckily that one isn't slap bang across the design.


The somalian elephant is a very beautiful coin that changes design each year, but I recently learnt these have a possibility of developing milk spots. I have a full tube of 2014 :o hopefully they remain without spots.


I checked my Somali Elephants, and to my horror :o I found the start of milking around the edges of some coins. Visible on the left coin where the number 20 is.



Snap! 2012 though :P Might be a sign of things to come for your coins in a couple of years.



The one thing I do before putting my coins in a holder, is to give them a good wipe over with a yellow duster. I'm wondering if many people are putting their coins straight from their parcel when they arrive into capsules. You have to remember that the postal service entails these packages travelling all over the world in numerous differing climates, and could be sitting in humid or damp conditions in vans for hours upon hours. Unless you remove these microscopic water droplets that will no doubt have attached themselves to the coins during transit, then you will be just be trapping them within any tube or capsules you put them in. I'm not surprised many of you are encountering milkspots. 


I also have some elephants with milk spots unfortunately ....My polar bears are developing them over time of course and I have noticed few on my falcons too :( 


I only have one Libertad which I got a few months ago. It's stayed in a capsule and is so far spot free. Perhaps satin/matt finish coins tend not to show spots though.


My libertad is still in a small plastic grip bag (haven't got round to getting it capsulated) and that's not developed spotting.

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have anyone had libertads with milk spots?


I haven't seen any with spots or milking, but anything is possible. I think the libertads are a very good choice for stacking low premium bullion. I like them a lot.

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I haven't seen any with spots or milking, but anything is possible. I think the libertads are a very good choice for stacking low premium bullion. I like them a lot.

Agreed in full.

Stacker since 2013


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