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Hey all, just thought I would let anyone know that doesn't know and hasn't spotted it.

silver-calculator.com has the wrong spot price and has done all week (whether it has done for ages and I haven't noticed - i dont know). Just in case you use it like I do, please don't. Its currently stating £18.91 and is easily missed if you don't see it and just input the amount of silver you have etc.

I have messaged the people who run it to inform them.

Happy hunting!


Never hear of it 😆 

I just use bullionbypost.co.uk 

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

2 minutes ago, James32 said:

Never hear of it 😆 

I just use bullionbypost.co.uk 

lol, when its working its a useful tool, especially when working in grams, or when buying/selling non pure silver. BBP only tells you the spot doesn't it?

56 minutes ago, ccfcpaul said:

lol, when its working its a useful tool, especially when working in grams, or when buying/selling non pure silver. BBP only tells you the spot doesn't it?

Yeah BBP is rather basic tbf

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.

2 hours ago, stackerp5 said:

I use silverprice.org :)

yeah that looks decent' I might use that for the charts.

The calculator is very good when its working as it calculates things rather than you getting a price and calculating it yourself. 

I.e. you input that you have 235g of sterling silver. You input 235g, select sterling and it gives you the price. It does the calculations for you. Whereas most sites are giving you the price and you have to work it out yourself..... Its not rocket science obviosuly, but does make life easy.

Looks like im the only lazy sod thats been using it anyway lol

14 hours ago, SidS said:

I use the apps here:


Geneally the scrap silver/scrap gold ones. I avoid anything too graphy.

Just checked it out. I like that calculator tool alot, more options and better depth.... although the spot is also wrong on that for the silver

32 minutes ago, Darr3nG said:

Has there been a consensus on what is the true source for spot?

Fair question as I see many sites all with a slightly different spot.


That one was 12p off others (silver) so that's quite a disparity. 


Obviously for TSF, the easiest thing to do is use the price tsf is showing, although where does that price come from.


@ChrisSilver question above and also, what's the chances of implementing a spot calculator on here - to calculate the spot for different grades of PMs using the spot price given on here

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23 hours ago, ccfcpaul said:

Obviously for TSF, the easiest thing to do is use the price tsf is showing, although where does that price come from.

We recently changed to another provider as the old one was not working on the cloud host. The providers are always cryptic about where they get the actual prices form but I believe this new feed may give a similar or same price to the NYMEX/COMEX?

23 hours ago, ccfcpaul said:

@ChrisSilver question above and also, what's the chances of implementing a spot calculator on here - to calculate the spot for different grades of PMs using the spot price given on here

Possible, though still have not implemented the change in price on the spot price bar as requires some extensive work (as no raw feed for tat data) 

Do you think it would be easier for users to implement it into a page directly into TSF or a separate domain/website?

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4 hours ago, ChrisSilver said:

We recently changed to another provider as the old one was not working on the cloud host. The providers are always cryptic about where they get the actual prices form but I believe this new feed may give a similar or same price to the NYMEX/COMEX?

Possible, though still have not implemented the change in price on the spot price bar as requires some extensive work (as no raw feed for tat data) 

Do you think it would be easier for users to implement it into a page directly into TSF or a separate domain/website?

if you could add a section onto this website, it might be worthwhile. It might also increase footfall to the site from people searching for "how much is my silver worth" etc

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