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Hello fellow TSF members,

I am in South Korea for a few months and have just read that the city of Ulsan is holding its first coin / money fair this month.

This is something I can’t miss and so I will be taking a day trip to go to the fair and will upload a few photos of the exhibition and anything I may buy there to this post.

Below is a brief overview of the event and interestingly it mentions that coin collecting has boomed in Korea during the COVID lock down. So this seems to be a global phenomenon.




See the link below to my coin dedicated YouTube channel


4 hours ago, CoinStruck said:

Hello fellow TSF members,

I am in South Korea for a few months and have just read that the city of Ulsan is holding its first coin / money fair this month.

This is something I can’t miss and so I will be taking a day trip to go to the fair and will upload a few photos of the exhibition and anything I may buy there to this post.

Below is a brief overview of the event and interestingly it mentions that coin collecting has boomed in Korea during the COVID lock down. So this seems to be a global phenomenon.

As it is being held in Ulsan, I don't suppose there will be any Seoul music!



  • 2 weeks later...
Visited the first day of the Ulsan Coin fair, Korea’s only coin and note fair. I spoke to one of the dealers there an many years ago there was a coin fair in Seoul. The increase in interest in the hobby over the last few years has brought about this new coin fair in Ulsan.
There were many exhibitors including the Royal Mint with both PCGS and NGC Asia represented. I was lucky enough to pick up free sample coins from both the NGC and PCGS booths. 
Apart from the freebies I bought a tiny but lovely 1 gram gold bar produced by the Korean mint KOMSCO. The mint, located in the city of Daejeon which is about an hour by train from Seoul, does run tours and so I will be making a trip to do that.
There were predominantly Korean dealers with Korean coins, bullion and notes but still a lot of international coins. I did see plenty of graded Morgan Dollars, British coins, Australian and Canadian Bullion coins. Unfortunately I didn’t see any sovereigns but it was not for the want of trying. 
A very well organized event where even the delicious cheese filled snack available in the exhibition area was shaped like a 100 won Korean coin!
























See the link below to my coin dedicated YouTube channel


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