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Good morning all, like many, I really like the Una and the Lion design by William Wyon so before posting a wanted ad. I thought I would ask you folkes which you think is the best, presumably silver coin, I have seen the Masterpiece 1oz on offer but are there any good alternatives? must be coin, must be pm and must be the William Wyon design.


I try to buy gold with my head and silver with my heart, sometimes..........I just get it wrong!

6 hours ago, dikefalos said:

If it doesn't have to be a 4k original RM Una, I would suggest the EIC 2 OZ masterpiece Una, great looking coin


This is the one I am currently leaning to or the Masterpiece 1oz but have no feedback on the 1oz as yet, funds are driving the ultimate decision as I am a bit spent out!

Any comments on the 1oz?

I try to buy gold with my head and silver with my heart, sometimes..........I just get it wrong!

8 hours ago, danieldorkins said:

Good morning all, like many, I really like the Una and the Lion design by William Wyon so before posting a wanted ad. I thought I would ask you folkes which you think is the best, presumably silver coin, I have seen the Masterpiece 1oz on offer but are there any good alternatives? must be coin, must be pm and must be the William Wyon design.



7 hours ago, dikefalos said:

If it doesn't have to be a 4k original RM Una, I would suggest the EIC 2 OZ masterpiece Una, great looking coin


The "original RM Una" was not 4K, although I assume you meant £4K, and not 4 Kilograms.

It was dated and issued in 1839, as a gold £5 pattern coin.

The last one I was offered about 10 years age was about £15,000 but I did not buy it as I thought it was too scuffed. From what I have seen, similar grade coins are selling for in excess of £100,000.

The recent versions of Una and the Lion coins, issued from 2019 by the Royal Mint and others, were not the originals, merely modern "tributes" to the original.

Some of the modern issue Unas seem to be priced at more than the genuine originals, which is slightly strange, IMO!



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