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Hallmark Help


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All I know Its london.

The only makers initials I have with that hallmark is Edward Vincent, but the mark resembles nothing like that in my book. vincents hallmarks represented 1st half of the 18th century but i don't think this piece is. there is also a footnote about vincent, saying he was a naughty silvermaker, who was a very fine craftsman, but was into duty doging after 1720, bit like @stefffana and his leady trays....

sorry i cant be much help

Edited by HerefordBullyun

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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On 20/09/2022 at 12:02, LifeLovers said:

Looking for some more Hallmark Help.  Thanks in advance,




Crown means Sheffield, passant Lion for sterling silver, t for year 1936, and E.V for Viners Ltd - Edward Viner, Bath Street - Sheffield


Edited by FromBuenosAires
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Definitely Sheffield with the crown.

Just as an aside for those who are inquisitive. Sheffield and Birmingham both petitioned to have assay offices back in the day, as you can see they were successful. The pub where the people organising it had their meetings in was the Crown and Anchor - as a result of a coin toss they ended up with their respective city marks - despite Birmingham being not exactly near the sea and Sheffield not being well known for making crowns.

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