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Acid tested


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Why not drill a hole through the centre and verify it isn't thick plated ?
The 2005 is a key date sovereign so who would wish to pay more than just scrap now ?
Stupid ...stupid ... stupid but maybe a pawn shop or one of those - we buy gold, don't give a sh!t outfits - didn't trust the seller on the day and it has subsequently gone into general circulation ?

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24 minutes ago, pricha said:


7 minutes ago, Pete said:

Why not drill a hole through the centre and verify it isn't thick plated ?
The 2005 is a key date sovereign so who would wish to pay more than just scrap now ?
Stupid ...stupid ... stupid but maybe a pawn shop or one of those - we buy gold, don't give a sh!t outfits - didn't trust the seller on the day and it has subsequently gone into general circulation ?

“Excellent...kept inside plastic pod”


WTF is a plastic pod?


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14 minutes ago, dicker said:

In all fairness, at lest the seller admits it’s been acid tested!


Not sure it was the seller himself who had it tested but he doesn't seem bothered by it and it comes across as if it's actually a good idea. 😄 ...  to ask for much more than spot and to describe it as  excellent condition shows total ignorance of gold price and coins in general.... fair enough if he doesn't know , but he's got zero chance of selling at that price..... ( you would think )

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