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2021 The dragon conquered 1/4 sovereign


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Just in case you havnt seen this.. was advertised on TV today....London Mint offering this coin for £99 The dragon conquered 1/4gold Bu sovreign. Designed by Angela pistrucci.

Not that keen on the design but good price.. limited to 1 per household...just had a look on Ebay and someone already has one for sale at £399 😄Screenshot_20210928-142235_Chrome.thumb.jpg.b9ea3222abc07d748da8b6df9dc89361.jpg

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28 minutes ago, CollectorNo1 said:

Just in case you havnt seen this.. was advertised on TV today....London Mint offering this coin for £99 The dragon conquered 1/4gold Bu sovreign. Designed by Angela pistrucci.

Not that keen on the design but good price.. limited to 1 per household...just had a look on Ebay and someone already has one for sale at £399 😄Screenshot_20210928-142235_Chrome.thumb.jpg.b9ea3222abc07d748da8b6df9dc89361.jpg

These aren't a proper 1/4 Sovereign @CollectorNo1 and they are a rip off at 35% over spot in my book, and not very desirable as you recognise. I wouldn't pay spot on it personally.

Buy this proper proof 1/2 sovereign here at chards (was available at time of posting) for 30% over spot: https://www.chards.co.uk/1980-gold-half-sovereign-elizabeth-ii-proof/1040

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16 minutes ago, SilverMike said:

These aren't a proper 1/4 Sovereign @CollectorNo1 and they are a rip off at 35% over spot in my book, and not very desirable as you recognise. I wouldn't pay spot on it personally.

Buy this proper proof 1/2 sovereign here at chards (was available at time of posting) for 30% over spot: https://www.chards.co.uk/1980-gold-half-sovereign-elizabeth-ii-proof/1040

What do you mean not proper sovreigns? They are advertised as 22ct, 1/4 sovereign surely if that's not the case they are breaking advertising codes of practice?


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4 minutes ago, CollectorNo1 said:

What do you mean not proper sovreigns? They are advertised as 22ct, 1/4 sovereign surely if that's not the case they are breaking advertising codes of practice?


Apologies, they are a sovereign in that it is what The London Mint Office have called it, but they have no association with the Royal Mint...

A quick search of the forum:


And some other related articles:





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Thanks for the information...I've never purchased from the London Mint as never been interested in anything they sell..bit like the pobjoy mint as another example..I saw this coin advertised on TV this morning and thought its not a bad price for 1/4 sovreign.  I have no interest in buying as doesn't appeal to me but thought it worth a mention on here..but can see now I was wrong...but another piece of knowledge aquired..so thankyou for that.👍👍

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CollectorNo1. 'What do you mean not proper sovreigns? They are advertised as 22ct, 1/4 sovereign surely if that's not the case they are breaking advertising codes of practice?'

Just a couple of points. The 1/4 sovreigns (sic) never existed, although patterns were made in 1853, but never went into production or circulation. As for the Gibraltar 1/4 sovereign this is another example of a Marketing company ie The London Mint Office targeting a British Overseas Territory, as is often done with T.D.C. and so on. A joint project was formed with Angela Pistrucci - a Canadian citizen to market Gibraltar sovs. I understand A.P. was not too happy with the way her designs were interpreted. Also, the RM does not have sole rights over the 'Sovereign' name. Anyone can make a coin called a sovereign. The RM lost that battle in court several years ago. Anyway, a well known phrase containing the word 'bargepole' springs to mind!


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Hi ByB..

Thanks for the video I've seen this before and felt sorry for Paul..but was good to see again.

My mother (bless her) bought a Churchill coin from an advert from the back of a Sunday paper last year for £9.99 24ct plated with color photo..when I saw it I hated it but couldn't tell her that...a month later she was sent another coin this time with a booklet to store the coins for £29.95.

She was confused and when I read the paper as she kept the page saw she had signed up for 9 coins 🙄.

I told her to cxl the subscription and I would send the coin back but she for whatever reason wanted to collect the series and nothing I could say would disaude her....its her money so her choice even though I knew they were worthless but she wanted them no matter how hard I tried to convince her not to Buy them...I think it was either the London Mint or Westminster coins.


Anyway she continued to receive and pay for the coins until the last one...she had 8 and recd an invoice for £495 for the last coin. Turned out it was a 22ct gold sovreign with photo of Churchill, like the rest...(Gold sovreign) there words.


I managed to persuade her not to Buy it as it wasn't worth the money and she agreed although very upset that she couldn't complete the collection.


I rang them to complain but just got fobbed off saying it was stated that the final  coin would be Gold and the price...unfortunately my mother didn't keep the paperwork so we couldn't see if infact that was the case.


I told her never buy Gold/silver commemorative coins from the papers...and she hasn't since.


I'd never buy from the London Mint.. pobjoy mint etc....I just saw this on TV today and thought not a bad price so would share it....


I bet you have heard this story alot but thought I'd share it with you.



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