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2021 Silver Eagles Type 1 or Type 2??

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Hello, New to Gold and Silver Stacking and Collecting.   I was wondering if anyone could offer there opinion on the brandnew 2021 Silver Eagles if Type 1 is better to purchase or the Type 2??  Just Curious.  I have read that many people are not happy with the new design.....I have some of both...but I want to know if I should actively seek out one or the other. 



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First, an ounce of silver is an ounce of silver. The design of a pure bullion coin should be a secondary concern. The main decision should be on the type of silver bullion (on Silver Eagle, or Britannia, or Maple Leaf, or etc. level). This should match your geographical region, it is recommended to buy the national bullion coin.

Having said that, getting a favorable design can raise the fun aspect of stacking branching out into semi collectability. But that's more of a personal than a public impact.

Personally, at the moment I would try to get some of the type 1 designs, because these will get harder to get over time, and it would be nice to have a stack of both designs.

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An ounce of silver is definitely not an ounce of silver, if we mean any ounce is worth the same as any other ounce. The difference in premiums refutes the equality idea. In the US, Eagles have much higher premiums than Britannias for some reason. In general, you can get spot for Eagles when selling to dealers, but not always for other coins, and certainly not for bars or rounds.

As far as the two types, it's early, but long-term I doubt it will matter much. If you were selling to new stackers a couple of years from now, they might prefer the then-current Type 2 Eagles. But it's hard to say. The Type 2 is a big disappointment because it doesn't have any noteworthy security features, which as I recall were promised. The US Mint is lazy and far behind the Royal Canadian Mint, the British Royal Mint, and even the Aussies. I would probably default to Type 2 at this point. Last I saw, the Type 1 had higher premiums or was already out of stock. I wouldn't buy either right now, since the premiums are still unusually high, but once they settle down I'd prefer the Type 2.

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I believe it mostly boils down to price.  The reality is that the premium for Eagles isn't likely to return to what it was pre-Covid anytime soon.  I pay a great deal of attention to the price of Eagles, and can say that generally speaking, the new design is among the cheapest you will find for BU coins. 

But does that make it the absolute BEST option if you live in the U.S.?  Well, currently one particular website that I prefer using to make purchases has Random Year and Type 2 Eagles listed at the same price.  In this instance, the obvious choice to make is Random year, in my opinion.  You have the possibility of getting older date Eagles, which, if you shop around, almost always carry a higher premium. 

Either design will feature the "perks" of owning Eagles (recognition, etc.), so if you don't have a preference on how it looks, I would suggest going for the cheapest you can find.  Personally I detest the Type 2 design, so I would choose cheaper "Cull" Eagles over those, Random Year, or simply wait until the prices come down for Type 1s rather than bother with the disappointment that are Type 2.  Hope this helps.

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I would venture to say that the 2021 type 1 may turn into a wanted item in time,as it only had a limited run due to the mid year transfer to type 2,and the general shortage of production of items from the US mint in general,so myself I am actively enjoying finding type 1 at the moment but also the type 2 for much the same reason,although the type 2 less so as they will be minted going forward this year .

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Personally, I would only by the old design. 

A forum member may be listing a complete date fun shortly I understand.  That is something that I personally would not miss.  



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