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Long time reader, first time poster.

I got into stacking August 2011 after watching a few youtube videos, when spot was over $45 and gonna shoot to the moon! The big fall in price made me re-evaluate what I was doing and I essentially drfited into coin collecting and today I mostly collect higher premium coins, meaning anything from pennies to Semi-numis bullion

I was totally ignorant going into this, but have learnt so much along the way and got incredibly lucky with what I bought in 2012. I bought Dragons for £40 and Rwanda Rhinos for £30 when spot was $40+ which have pretty much kept their value in the present day. Now imagine if I had simply bought Eagles & Maples! This is why I only collect semi-numis and do not mind paying premiums on silver. Accept this makes me a collector rather than stacker I guess.

I have quite a limited budget, and live vicariously through a lot of you who post youtube videos.




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Welcome to the forum, it will be interesting to see what the next 4 years bring.

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly


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