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if silver dropped a lot what would you do


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seriously,  if we get some more drops what would you do  , would you look at it like buying shares (bottom fishing ) they call it  buy low sell high , or would your faith have gone in the precious metal altogether ,

would you buy serious amounts, buy on your credit cards , as greg hunter would say

what say you

what if it was £11 then £10.50 then £10 then £9.50   I have stupid dreams of buying a silver coin for a tenner with vat  maybe one day

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I would buy,when i have the cash to take my average down,depends on your age really,how long before your exit plan decides how long you can wait.I am 51 will sell at good price or retirement, if still low and i don't need to sell when i am 80 god willing, then i will pass it down,but i think we will see a rise in our life time for some reason or other.

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I was watching this Mike Maloney video the other day 


Apparently we're in a "pull back" atm


He talks about gold and then silver compared to home prices. 


So if it goes down anymore, keep buying and be thankful it's on sale (according to Mike) 

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The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 

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If you believe the fundamentals for starting to stack are unchanged then the price shouldn't matter.

Keep stacking and be thankful when prices are so low.

If however you are panicked and regret starting to stack then back off and sit tight, selling in the future to recover your investment or minimise your loss.

When you buy a new car, it depreciates rapidly - loss from day 1.

PMs shouldn't depreciate but if you paid a lot more then there is a fair chance prices will recover but maybe not for many years.

Don't gamble with too much of your fiat if you cannot afford to loose or you end up facing a fire sale.

Provided you can take the hit, see low prices as a buying opportunity.

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You do that anyway Keith :P


I've been seriously thinking of arranging a kidnap squad :ph34r:  to keep hold of keithoil while silver is down in price, just to give us all a chance of buying some silver.


We'll let him go when the price has risen and we've bought all the cheap stuff.   :rolleyes:  :D

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I would do the only logically thing and panic sell...

...that was a joke btw.

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Lap up the low spot prices guys...  in these volatile markets, just keep buying the dips.  If you are in the game of recapitalising then you can sell some of your low premium silver during the spot rises to ammo up for the next dip. :-)


I know that is what I have been doing.

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