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Hi! I was wondering if anyone has any useful tips for neatly storing Royal Mint blister packs rather than just keeping them loose. I have looked at purchasing a used PAMP box, but unsure if the dimensions are correct.

A secondary question is how does the Royal Mint actually send blister packs to dealers? Do they have their own blister boxes that nobody sells separately?



Empty Pamp boxes in stock at BBP for £21.60 delivered and hold 25 blisters

10 hours ago, MCJ said:


I've never bought a RM coin in a blister so don't know too much about them TBH.

Did find these though, any good? 



40 cards is perhaps a bit too much - looking for around 5-25 so I can break it up between locations without taking up too much space for excess.

46 minutes ago, MrStacker said:

Is this the Pamp Box you are referring too? 


I’m also looking for a better method of storing blister packs. 

Yep, that's the same one as what I linked in my post. I found a post on Reddit that had a side-by-side of a RM blister & PAMP and they appear to be the same size, so believe this would be suitable.

23 minutes ago, SiCole said:


Is there any way for us plebs to get our hands on these? Unable to find them resold anywhere.

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