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Can anyone provide some insight into the RM shipping backlog?  I know it’s been a busy year, but I have orders going back four months that still are not moving.  It’s basic items like Queens reign and King Tut….I understand sovereigns and the special editions, but nothing seems to be shipping.  Thanks for any info 

1 minute ago, Sc391 said:

Can anyone provide some insight into the RM shipping backlog?  I know it’s been a busy year, but I have orders going back four months that still are not moving.  It’s basic items like Queens reign and King Tut….I understand sovereigns and the special editions, but nothing seems to be shipping.  Thanks for any info 

Maybe give the RM a phone call?


Thanks-they just tell me they are backed up and trying.  I thought maybe someone on here would have an insider view.

2 minutes ago, Sc391 said:

Thanks-they just tell me they are backed up and trying.  I thought maybe someone on here would have an insider view.

Seems to be just the proof side of the business. I ordered some bullion sovereigns on Friday and they have been dispatched today.

I like to buy the pre-dip rise.


The problem is that the dispatch dept.  used one eyed nana from the quality control dept. And she somehow got lost on the way to the post office ended up on the M6 and delivered all the stock to a certain @ChardsCoinandBullionDealer in Blackpool.

Apparently this is the 4th time this mistake has happened this week!

Nana said that the brand new BMW i8 was a lot faster than her old micra.

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