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20 French Francs - Guardian Angel

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Hey guys hope all is well and enjoying the sun. :) anyway what are all your views on the 20 French Francs - Guardian Angel ??? Is this a coin that is worth the investment ? How much should I be paying for it to make it worth my while? Premiums can be abit of situation tbh. What would be a realistic sexy premium to accept when paying for one ?

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40 minutes ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Hey guys hope all is well and enjoying the sun. :) anyway what are all your views on the 20 French Francs - Guardian Angel ??? Is this a coin that is worth the investment ? How much should I be paying for it to make it worth my while? Premiums can be abit of situation tbh. What would be a realistic sexy premium to accept when paying for one ?

Most French 20 Francs are very common, more so than Btitish gold sovereigns, and are generally available at similar premiums, regardless of type or design.


Unless you want a special date or high grade.



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1 hour ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Hey guys hope all is well and enjoying the sun. :) anyway what are all your views on the 20 French Francs - Guardian Angel ??? Is this a coin that is worth the investment ? How much should I be paying for it to make it worth my while? Premiums can be abit of situation tbh. What would be a realistic sexy premium to accept when paying for one ?

As Lawrence says most ‘Genie’ 20 Francs are very common.

If you are interested in something a little rarer (and if you are a fan of privy marks!) the 1896A with a ‘torche’ privy (rather than the usual ‘faisceau’ privy is harder to find. Expect to pay anywhere from £600 to £1000 for an MS64/5.



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5 minutes ago, Ukbullionfan said:

Would be looking in the sense of just the normal type like the Sovs. In terms of investment was wondering if they would be better than sovs ? 

Not in the UK - any profit will be subject to CGT (assuming you make enough profit).

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I buy Francs as sometimes the premium is quite low and they make a change from Sovs.

Expect to pay about 7% premium for bullion.

As @Seasider has said: Any profit over your personal CGT allowance will be taxed when you sell. Currently about £12k per year I believe.

I also like the 10 and 5 Francs but the premiums will be higher.

I buy bullion as a "protection" against inflation and consider it just another way of saving rather than putting it in a Bank.

I don't expect to make a profit but it would be nice.

If I was to "Invest" I would be looking at Numismatic high grade coins and not bullion and Sovereigns would be my choice.

Here I would be looking to make a profit.

Edited by Norskgeld
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