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Hi all I'm just starting again after a few years to get into stacking silver, I'm only going to buy scrap silver ie pre 20 

Does anyone know anybody selling scrap silver, but being honest I'm after buying for around spot prices.

It's just for collecting for around 5 years.


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I keep a close eye on the ungraded section on this forum and I'm an eBay bidder. 

I'm often frustrated by the small sizes of the lots. When I was buying 999 bullion I could buy any quality I liked, but old pre 1947 or pre 1920 coins don't seem to have as large lots for sale. If I wanted a kilo this month I'd be bidding on ebay for 40 different lots, to try and win a dozen of them.

But I do shortcut sometimes when I notice 925 medals or commemorative sets come up for sale.

But generally it is fatiguing to have to bid on so many lots to aquire decent quantities. 

I'd love to hear experienced forum members advice on this. 


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20 hours ago, gazer said:

Hi all I'm just starting again after a few years to get into stacking silver, I'm only going to buy scrap silver ie pre 20 

Does anyone know anybody selling scrap silver, but being honest I'm after buying for around spot prices.

It's just for collecting for around 5 years.



Buying scrap 50% silver around spot shouldn't be difficult but expecting pre 1920 925 silver at spot will be expecting too much I think.  Unless the coins are so worn / dirty / drilled so the collector value is zero.  

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11 hours ago, 27carrots said:

Put up a wanted thread in the ungraded section.

Follow people who have a history of selling the stuff that interests you.

I think bigmarc sells what you are after.

I mainly collect it, just sold a portion to make way for a little gold adventure. eBay is a bit hit and miss at the mo probably due to the lack of promotions. Hard to make a profit if you have to give 13% away. If they bring back £1 max listing fees then you may see more volume come through. There are other auction sites but it can be a bit of a minefield working out the extra costs.

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