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Buying shares who do you use

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Buying shares bonds


I have been using Hargreaves Lansdown but at  £11.95 a trade as I don't trade much are there any other sites that are better than this I could use.  I used to use HSBC years ago they are even more expensive and I don't want to use them. 


I don't want to use IG as I don't spread bet. I want long term investments platforms please.   




if you believe that potentially bad times(bank bail ins)

are ahead of us. then I would choose one that you trust

by history/experience. maybe it's a safer bet to pay a

little more for now. 




If you want to trade USA stocks I can recommend Charles Schwab in the USA.

Very low charges and of course you don't pay the 0.5% stamp duty we Brits love to pay on buying shares.

Trading is instant and because the fees are so low you can day trade if you have the time and desire.


Thanks guys the other thing is I want to set up accounts for my 2 youngest kids So they can take the fund when they are 25 but I don,t want the ex to be able to touch it.

Do children qualify for the full tax free savings still under the new rules?

Also can childrens accounts use the financial supermarket basket?

And one more does any one know can I invest part of my sipp at goldmoney or bullionvault?


Thanks guys the other thing is I want to set up accounts for my 2 youngest kids So they can take the fund when they are 25 but I don,t want the ex to be able to touch it.

Do children qualify for the full tax free savings still under the new rules?

Also can childrens accounts use the financial supermarket basket?

And one more does any one know can I invest part of my sipp at goldmoney or bullionvault?


Not sure about the first two questions but I can answer the third




I use Halifax online, you can also trade most international markets as well inc Dow,Dax Cac etc. Very reliable platform & they have some advanced functions for experienced investors, limit trades etc.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



Thanks HT and Motorbikez


As far as the kids go I will have to ring one of the funds up and ask


I use iWeb share dealing - I think its owned by Halifax bank as all of the research seems to be sources from the Halifax bank share dealing platform. You have to buy your way in at a one off cost of £200. After that its £5 a trade for UK Equities, International Equities and a large number of Funds with no annual fees, no inactivity fees, basically everything except making a trade is paid for. So its great if you are planning to buy and hold long term and forget about the shares/funds for a while. You can also set trade plans for £2, which will buy or sell based on a set price over a period of months if needed. When it completes it costs another £3, so the £5 trading fee is standard throughout. If the trade expires without completion you lose your £2 though.


Dividends can be reinvested at a small cost, or paid into your bank or held as cash in the account at no cost. I choose to hold them in my account so I can pool them and reinvest on my own judgement. 


I have a fair few self picked (hopefully high yield) dividend shares which will never be sold ideally, but I also have a few 'trade' shares that will be bought and sold so I needed the cost of making a trade to be low. I also hold some Vanguard Life Strategy 40% in the account which is my way of getting some exposure to the bond market while automatically reinvesting the earnings. All in all, the platform suits my purposes. 


I used to be with HSBC but the £12.95 to buy, then another £12.95 to sell really started to add up, especially when I began trading in and out of some shares. In the end that platform was too limited for what I wanted.


I'm having a go with the play money on a trading app called BUX.

It looks so simple. Press the up or down arrow on which way you think the market will go.

It might be too simple and will attract the online gambler types. I haven't looked too much into the fees but I might make a small deposit just to see what happens if I put my money where my mouth is.


Regarding children, the best vehicle is a junior ISA. Unfortunately the child can do whatever they choose with it at 18, so you best educate them before then.

Oddly, you can set up a SIPP for your child, currently accessible from age 55 (and rising?). That has got to be some long term strategy.


Personally I  use AJ Bell Youinvest, and currently happy with all aspects. Website a bit clunky but customer service has been great.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


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