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Filling a tube of....


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Hi! I've noticed on youtube a lot of people with projects in mind like "Filling a tube of ASE or maples, or 1/10oz gold eagles"

Also people trying to fill up a monster box. Do you have these kind of challenges in mind?nk


I think its a good motivational thing because you can see your progress in the tube because when you say: I want to have 500oz of silver...it's to generic..don't you think?


I personally, and because I recently purchased a tube of rounds from strenue,  want to have a tube of maples, philis and ases.


And you??

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I have little projects on the go.. Which keeps me motivated


I'm in the process of building a monster box of britannia's.. I've also just started putting sets together of lunar, panda's and kooks


I look at the brits as my core stack .. as a stacker


I look at my sets as a hobby... as a collector 

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I like to collect sets, and have quite a few now.

I'm also gradually filling a tube of 2014 maples.

I also set myself a goal of 1000 threepences, 500 sterling and 500 50%'s. I'm half way there with the sterling and a quarter there with the 50%'s.

Also filling a 1/2oz shark tube with Australia round 50's.

Stacker since 2013

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My personal strategy is I have several tubes - Brits, Maples, Elephants etc. and I add to each 2-3 of current year and they go back to my secret place. Bottom line is I am filling tubes, but will take me few years :)


I also wondered why not many dealers offer tubes, I would imagine they must have hundreds just lying around

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  • 3 months later...

Much may have changed since September (including the price).

Very true,i need to stack at £16.90 an ounce to reach 100 oz @ £20,and since the resent rise it has halted me in my tracks.I have a pile of scrap metal i want to weigh in and buy silver with the cash but that has taken a nose dive in price and is predicted to go even lower over the next four or five months,with gold being the preferred choice of investors rather than commodities like copper,which is free falling at the moment.

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I seem to be in a minority as a bullion stacker,lots of collectors on here

I don't know SP. Maybe by a narrow margin.

I think it just looks that way as the Collectors have lots of nice items for show and tell. Post a pic of a pile of Phillies and I promise to get excited.


Of course there are those who are creeping towards the Dark Side.............talking about you Craig ;)

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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I seem to be in a minority as a bullion stacker,lots of collectors on here.


I stack mostly, Its just sometimes if I see a bargain coin that if believe I can flip in a couple of years then I will buy it.


Don't forget them 10oz Perth coins, they can be cheap sometimes. 

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You will find that ASE's are the best of the generic coins.


Can not agree here, I can stack philharmonics cheaper all day long. If I want a slightly better coin I would stack Perth coins.


Horses for courses I suppose. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I seem to be in a minority as a bullion stacker,lots of collectors on here.

It's all bullion to me but I can understand the collector side. Can't see myself paying way over the basic maple or philly price for any coin. Numismatics is about perceived value as opposed to real value, I find that scary.

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500 then gold Stretch?


500 is plenty for silver. I would like 1000, just because I reckon it will fill a steel locker I have. Any more than that and you really have to believe that Silver is heading for £50, or you have an extremely low cost per oz.


Edit: Sorry Stretch just read your gold plans in another thread :)

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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500 then gold Stretch?


500 is plenty for silver. I would like 1000, just because I reckon it will fill a steel locker I have. Any more than that and you really have to believe that Silver is heading for £50, or you have an extremely low cost per oz.


Edit: Sorry Stretch just read your gold plans in another thread :)

If you had 500 oz of silver in 1980 it was enough to buy a house which is why I thought it'd be nice to have at least 500 now ready for the next upturn, I'm currently 85 short. Saying that I've gone off silver a little as buying it is just one big loss as things stand at the moment. Unlike gold where you can get your fiat currency back far easier if needs arise.
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It's all bullion to me but I can understand the collector side. Can't see myself paying way over the basic maple or philly price for any coin. Numismatics is about perceived value as opposed to real value, I find that scary.

No not really.

PMs don't have "real" value either; simply supply and demand making the price, just like numismatics. The price of both is simply what someone else will pay.The only difference is volume.

Also think about this. Over the past 2 years as the price of gold has fallen 50%, the value of the best quality sovereigns has steadily risen, many other types have stayed the same.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon

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