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Recommended reading for everyone on this Forum 


The news around Gold/Silver to the down side, is a bit worrying.  If think Alisdair Macloed puts it over better in his 2 articles,


Goldmoney 2 articles







Moneyweek article





Just remember if the worst happens and the price plummets you will not be able to obtain silver at the low prices Moneyweek are talking about. 


Also there is no mention of the Swiss referendum on a Gold backed currency happening latter this year 



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The problem was last time it went to 9USD. Everyone tried to buy silver all at the same time, at the same time there was a shortage of silver as mines had closed. This pushed premiums up to very high levels making the spot price a nonsense.

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The problem was last time it went to 9USD. Everyone tried to buy silver all at the same time, at the same time there was a shortage of silver as mines had closed. This pushed premiums up to very high levels making the spot price a nonsense.


This is what I'm thinking, we're pretty much at mining costs now, the junior miners which do all the exploration are getting killed, there is actually very little or no exploration going on.

Seems like the longer we stay down at these levels and below the higher they will bounce back, when that'll be now is anyone's guess but if it does spike in the future I think we've seen enough to know it won't be forever, I for one will be selling then holding out for the return back to sensible levels before buying again.

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I think your right there garthy, 


I have been thinking about this for a couple of days since I read the Goldmoney articles, I've made a decision to hold now, and buy only collecting coins for myself interest.  If the price does go down to $17, then $16, $15.3 I will buy then before the made rush!


I also believe we must keep an eye on the oil price too. Mining is a fuel intensive industry and the price of fuel is extremely important.


I will also be selling if the price goes over $50, I will take out all of my stake only leaving profits on the table.  We must bear in mind this may be  years(long term) before a big spike because the chart Alastdair Macleod showed with money creation.

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my goal was to stack silver for a year, then switch to gold the year after that, I`v got 6Kg of silver so far and I have until next april to get more before the switch to gold until I get my basic stack sorted.

but at any point that silver went to £1 a gram (cash in hand) I would dump 2Kg and buy gold directly.

I thinks it`s good to have an Overall plan, with flexibility built into it.


although I much prefer to have and look at 6Kg of silver than 4 Oz of gold, I know sentiment shouldn`t get in the way... but I`m keeping my Valcambi`s :)

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I have just read this weeks Goldmoney research reports, interesting reading. The author suggests the $1200 line held because of physical demand, he also suggests comex may be pricing silver to low and he gives his reasons, a good read.











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my goal was to stack silver for a year, then switch to gold the year after that, I`v got 6Kg of silver so far and I have until next april to get more before the switch to gold until I get my basic stack sorted.

but at any point that silver went to £1 a gram (cash in hand) I would dump 2Kg and buy gold directly.

I thinks it`s good to have an Overall plan, with flexibility built into it.


although I much prefer to have and look at 6Kg of silver than 4 Oz of gold, I know sentiment shouldn`t get in the way... but I`m keeping my Valcambi`s :)



Have you got a target Fluttershy?

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Yes in a round about way, it`s roughly 10Kg or as much Silver I can buy in one year with roughly 5K (that`s the amount I`d have nothing better to spend it on).

then the next year will be roughly 25 Sovs or again as many I as I can get in one year as above.


that will give me my Basic stack, from there i`ll be buying more strategically, I just want to get my basic stack going for now though, so then at least I have a position in the game  :)

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I read this too, it's absolutely amazing, although unsurprising at the current spot price.

I can't even imagine what 1500 monster boxes would look like!!!

Stacker since 2013

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I am Indian myself we keep buying for our 1 year daughter and plan to buy at least 1oz of 22ct Indian jewellery every year until she's 18.

My Wife also keeps buying and my parents too which they will eventually pass it down to us.

It's in our tradition and have been doing it for hundreds of years.

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oh, how it would be a game changer if 'us in the west' did the same and put our savings in stuff could not be printed out of thin air, didnt buy stuff on a credit card,didnt mortgage & remortgage property that should be just to live in and our banking system dint rehypothecated mortgages


Regardless of 'spot price' & playing the markets, buying a little something EACH & every month regardless of spot price is - is not a bit of bad advice


i would bet with 99% certainty  in 30yrs time...........your stack will be worth many more times than those who have kept their fiat notes in an ISA/cash/instant access accounts.


just add 1/2 on oz of gold every month or x1 full uk sov for the life of you are working and that pot of 1/2oz coins/sovs in 30/40yrs will be worth........................(WATCH THIS SPACE!) 

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