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Sovereigns. Time to get some gold


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I've got a very nice pile of silver, mostly from STG at very good prices, thanks to the advice from fellow forum members.


I'm looking now to start buying some gold.  I like sovereigns, their low premiums liquidity and the enormous amount of years.  


I'm aiming for bullion but after seeing the thread about the proofs at reasonable premiums, I'd like to kick start the collection with something shiny, and thereafter, keep an eye on price and get sovs with low premiums from HGM.  So for a nice proof, i'm keeping my eye on ebay.


Question, I'm definitely after one of the old sovereign scales for coolness and testing fun and i've got my eye on this cool little case to give me a target to fill it.




will putting sovs through the slots on the scale scratch the coins?


I've done some reading on fakes but i'd like to put links to items i'm bidding on so that more experienced eyes can lend their experience untill I get myself up to scratch.


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It says proof on the box (so if the box is the original) but I'd be more concerned about the marks below the horse's tail.

No1 rule when buying from ebay, ask questions, and don't take listing descriptions as gospel . Gives you a get out clause if you have to return item, ( also if you ask with less than 12 hours till end of listing, the reply is not public , sometimes a great advantage)

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As you are starting in gold my advice is to buy  a few coins from either Atkinsons or Hatton Garden Metals.


With this experience and genuine references in hand to compare, then venture to eBay and the likes.

The majority of sovereigns, if not all, on the Bay will be genuine but you want to be able to sleep at night as well, in case you doubt your initial purchases.


You will always find genuine proof coins from Malcolm Ellis.

Expect to pay 10-15% above spot though unless you are spending lots of cash on proof sets - which are really a collector's dream in FDC condition.

If buying a proof it wants a Royal Mint screw capsule, a proper box and a certificate with a serial number.

If these are not available then pay less.

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It'll be another silver order this month. I sell on to a couple of guys at work, at cost and they are asking for more silver but don't fancy gold. STG order it is. Next month then. Still buying the sov wallet thing :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Sov wallet? As in for storage?

If you're going for secondary market bullion sovereigns I would recommend getting a Royal Mint tube. Holds 25 and you can pour them out and play with/look at whatever you like.

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  • 3 weeks later...

what is the most important part of sovereign collecting?

is it condition, is it the boxed ones with a certificate, is it the proofs, do you guys tend to buy a different head sovereign to start with to cover the different reign sovereigns  then go on to buy date runs within each sovereign style

surely no one has the sort of cash to even get a consecutive date run on all different sovereigns


I think I shall first start with a 1963 1983 and 1986  purely because that is my birth year and my 2 children

I need to buy a sovereign book for this vast subject

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I like date runs but won't do so for sovereigns, that'd be extremely expensive (for me) and when I start date running things I get reluctant to sell them on which isn't something I wish to happen for sovereigns.


I could do different heads, for sure, different mints perhaps (Melbourne, South Africa etc) but couldn't do date runs.

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is there a certain year / head sov that's not as well likes amongst collectors  ?

ie  the very latest year 2014   must sovs always be a minimum number of years old ?


IMO the more modern ones don't go so well, in terms of older ones George V and any Victoria head seem to do better.

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From what I've seen ones with a unique design that year are doing well


1989, 2002, 2005, if you can pick up a few 2012 for cheapish they might start to command a premium in the coming years. 

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