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Jersey gold penny 2019


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i am struggling to find information on this coin.


i can't find it anywhere else.


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2 hours ago, sixgun said:

i am struggling to find information on this coin.


i can't find it anywhere else.


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Looks like this one on ebay:


This might be another, but stupid auction house showed 2 shots of the obverse and none of the reverse, and couldn't be arsed givng a decent description.


Jersey - gold proof limited edition one penny 2019 struck in 22ct gold (N.B. weight 9.4gms) cased with Certificate of Authenticity (1 coin)
Sold for £280

Google Search shows another on PicClick:

https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.picclickimg.com%2Fd%2Fl400%2Fpict%2F154937213618_%2FBoxed-2019-Jersey-Gold-Proof-One-Penny-Coin.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpicclick.co.uk%2F1840-Penny-Black-Stamp-Gold-Coin-Boxed-372621152369.html&tbnid=8gqkR5aSCL7JYM&vet=12ahUKEwjc-Ojm0ab5AhUUhxoKHSl1DKwQMyhAegQIARBj..i&docid=7mZGEN-cgm70hM&w=273&h=400&itg=1&q=Jersey gold penny 2019&ved=2ahUKEwjc-Ojm0ab5AhUUhxoKHSl1DKwQMyhAegQIARBj

But good luck finding it on the PicClick website.

Looks like it could have been marketed by CPM, but I could be wrong, might be LMO, or one of the other Coin Marketing Cumpanies Companies.

I don't know if any of that helps.



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I spent far too long scraping the interwebs looking for information on this, once I got started I became frustrated that I couldn't find anything more than Lawrence has found so kept looking...still nowt though.

I like the design.

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