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New Silver Eagle Premiums


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Seeing premiums of 80% + on these new coins. When will the madness end? Anyone seen it for less or are we destined to pay almost double the spot worth for any silver coins from now on. Makes stacking pretty much a hobby rather than a sound investment.


Agree that design is nice, but premium is really too high for a bullion coin with unlimited mintage.  Prefer to have Royal Arm, or Perth Mint Swan or Dolphin with that premium.


Way too high premium. I like the New design, but why that hype? Just wait for the announcement they did a MS71 for the first time.


I think the pandemic will have raised the general prices of metals permanently. A new normal price higher than the old and in the uk brexit will also affect the price too. The change of the design will be an important milestone in such a coin hence the hype and frenzy approch will intice the general masses to buy some too with huge premium the masses think they are buying something of collector value!


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