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Hold or sell?

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I have a small investment in Palladium ETF's that are now down 25%.  I know it's linked to PM prices but do I hang on to them, or bite the bullet and sell, taking the loss and investing the the balance into physical gold/silver.

I wish I had never invested in them in the first place but "thats life" as they say.


Any advice guys please.


If your intention as stated is to sell & put the funds into more metals, hold as it is a pointless exercise.If you need the money for something specific sell & walk away do not invest in virtually the same asset class.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



Does anyone have any information on the Privateer or American Landmark series from elemetal metals ?

I've tried emailing directly and at provident metals without any reply !

Any information concerning issue numbers or how many rounds in these series would be appreciated .

Stack 'em.

If your intention as stated is to sell & put the funds into more metals hold as it is a pointless exercise.If you need the money for something specific sell & walk away do not invest in virtually the same asset class.

Spot on motorbikez. If cash is urgently needed for none PM means, you could sell now. But personally I'd wait until the end of the year and see what happens to the spot prices. The US may raise their interest rates in Sept, driving PM prices lower.



or there`s door number 3, where you buy some More at this price and that way it doesn`t have to gain so much ground before you break even on agregate!


Just kidding :D












or am I?











naah, pretty sure I`m just kidding :D


What was the reason behind buying it in the first place and are those reasons still valid? 


What was the time scale you were investing for and has the time scale changed?


These are the questions I ask myself about my investments periodically or when they make a gain or a loss. Keeps the decision process logical and helps keep the emotions out of it (sometimes :)


Based on the first point I have sold investments at a loss, doubled down on others or just held. Same goes for those with gains. Depends on what you make of the factors affecting the price of the investment and whether or not they will continue throughout the intended time scale.


A bit vague and not specific to your investment sorry. 


Really depends on the size of your investment which you state is small.

Small could mean 10 grand or maybe more to some folks, but it might also be 500 quid.

Taking a 25% loss on £10k or higher and buying PMs would be silly but if you have say less than £5k invested and need the money then sell and forget, otherwise hold and sell when prices recover. Always bad when you are forced to sell an asset.


As @KDave says, it depends on why you bought them.

Palladium is one of those metals that were being touted at the beginning of the year as going to the moon for whatever reasons; short supply and increased use etc. As it's use is mainly in cat converters and electronics, it's a play on the world economy. Do you think that's going north to any significant degree anytime soon? If not, sell and buy something else with more potential for gains.

If you just got caught up in the hype and bought without having a good reason or without understanding the investment, again sell and buy something you understand.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


Look at all commodities, they are all in a bear market. If you use a cockroach type portfolio (diversified) your commodities section will be down unless you are shorting.

You obviously like a gamble to buy palladium, I think commodities will be a great investment soon. If you want to gamble what about sugar, its low you should have a read about its price compared to oil first!!!! You could either just buy sugar or etf or a sugar company.

Then what about copper when China gets into trouble, again a lot of reading before investment.

The main thing is if you buy anything at the bottom over time it will make money.

you are only down 25% this sounds a lot and it is, a lot of investers are sitting on bigger losses on commodities the cycle can be over 50% every 5 years and nothing is special.

But I reckon most are even or up on the portfolio.

Bank of England gave you a clue yesturday 5/8/2015 on interest rates, they see commodities going lower so they are going to help equities for a bit longer, simple (Carney's a n-bhead)

Hope this helps


Thanks guys for all of your advice/comments.


Don't need to sell and to be honest it makes sense to hold on until a later date.

I have a few other small investments, (stocks & shares ISA's) etc.


I think it's the "have it in your hand" with silver/gold scenario that I am leaning towards (storing a little for later years).  I have about 5 years before retirement, looking further ahead, I don't want to be seen to have so much money, (on paper), that I would not get any help, whether it be healthcare or anything else.  I think I've read about this on another topic somewhere!

It may/maynot benefit me in my lifetime but it can always go to my grandchildren. 


Plus i am getting the "sovereign bug" 


It is always interesting hearing other peoples ideas and opinions. I will hold on for now to see what happens!


Thanks again.


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