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what do these beauties work out at per oz


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Buying anything under 1oz gold is going to be pretty poor value compared to spot and the smaller the piece, especially with coins, the worse it seems to be. You have to rely on someone stupid or desperate enough to also pay through-the-nose later on, otherwise you will likely never recoup the premiums in any reasonable time-frame.

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Buying anything under 1oz gold is going to be pretty poor value compared to spot and the smaller the piece, especially with coins, the worse it seems to be. You have to rely on someone stupid or desperate enough to also pay through-the-nose later on, otherwise you will likely never recoup the premiums in any reasonable time-frame.


I think that the fact that people ARE paying high premiums already on fractional gold coins shows that there are already a huge number of, in your words, "stupid or desperate enough" people out there to buy these coins when you want to sell them

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And I am one of those "Stupid people".  I don't buy them to stack as an investment.  I buy them to collect and the only time I will sell them is if I run out of funds after retirement (maybe before then if I'm desperate).

But...The fractional Somali Elephant is a coin which I would not buy because the premium is simply too high.  At over 100% I would expect a proof coin with a fancy box and all the bells and whistles associated with such a premium.

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For clarity, the OP (Craig) has stated several times that he is not a collector and is stacking - it appears - primarily in anticipation of a global 'event' that might cause a reset in precious metal valuations. He has also given the impression of being a short to medium term investor, so my reply is with him in mind, and these are only my opinions. Don't get your knickers in a twist. Fractional gold is poor value usually, but it does have a low purchase price, so if you are buying it because its the only thing you can afford but you want to invest purely in gold... then you would be stupid or desperate in my view.

If you collect something then that is a completely different ball game from investment and spot price isn't really a consideration at that point is it? You either want something or don't; can afford it or not.

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(NO)If you like it and want one for a collection go ahead if it is spare cash,But if it is gold stacking you want with these numbers it has to be a no for me,You can not go wrong with Sovereigns,good size,price and a ready market of a well recognized and respected bullion coin. 


(YES)If you're budget is low like mine and need a gold fix and can not wait to save,buy it if you like,if it makes you happy,and just hope a secondary collectors market will cover it one day.it more than likely will. 

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