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Sylica gel


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I've got some 1g packs that I put in with my silver, how long do they last? Should I replace every year or will one be ok for years?

I think they degrade fast if they get moist, but them being in with your coins I'd imagine they would last quite a long time mate.

Stacker since 2013

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I have a mate that works in commercial refrigeration and has access to a vac pump.


Wonder how hard it would be to knock up a box with a valve, stick the silver in then vac pump it to remove the o2


Silver should then never tarnish.

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I have a mate that works in commercial refrigeration and has access to a vac pump.

Wonder how hard it would be to knock up a box with a valve, stick the silver in then vac pump it to remove the o2

Silver should then never tarnish.

I suppose you could also use some of those clothing storage vacuum bags.

A similar effect I'd imagine.

Stacker since 2013

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you wouldn't get a true vacuum with one of those and there would probably still be enough o2 in contact with the silver for oxidization to occur.


I wonder if you just use a sealable box, plonk the silver in then fill with a heavy gas and stick the lid on.

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you wouldn't get a true vacuum with one of those and there would probably still be enough o2 in contact with the silver for oxidization to occur.

I wonder if you just use a sealable box, plonk the silver in then fill with a heavy gas and stick the lid on.

Granted, but there is no such thing as a true vacuum so one can only do ones best.

One of those kitchen vacuum sealers would probably do as good a job.

Stacker since 2013

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Once they are old Cornishfarmer you can dry the Silica gel just by putting them in the oven for a bit. Then they are as good as new.

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Some ( but not all ) plastics can be bad for long term storage.

Many paper products as well.

Trace amounts of chemicals can leech out and stain your precious coins - maybe in 10 years ?

I don't think you need worry about oxygen or air but definitely worry about sulphur.

If anyone in your household smokes or if you have an open fire or live in an industrial area then you must keep your coins in a sealed container.

Silica gel bags will keep moisture to a minimum and that can only be a good thing but I don't think this is a problem for storage but room temperature, dry and free of smoke is desireable. Keep your best coins in capsules or coin tubes.

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