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Somali Elephants vs Saltwater Crocodile


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VAT FREE SOMALI ELEPHANTS AVAILABLE!!! works at 16.20 per oz If you get a tube from this website.... I got a newsletter, hence why I created a currency fair account, as I would be buying form this website.... 


My question is these coins are slightly more expensive then the Crocodile coins, and the crocs have a mintage of 1 million and are already sold out so once the crocs have gone, thats it. I expect later on down the road we will see SIMILAR premium of the timber wolf coin. Only time will tell.

I do not know much about the Somali coins, so what is the mintage for these coins? and what would you stack if you had a choice. 

Also what would you do in my shoes, I already have 3 tubes of the crocs, which 2 of them are still sealed, and I opened one too just to see what they look like (And to hold 20 1 oz coins in your hand is a feeling I cant get enough of :D ) and I have not got any of those elephants. 

I like to buy Semi Numi coins with the idea to flip to get double oz back I.e 25 crocs later down the road should get me 40-50 maples/ 


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Mintage varies from year to year.  Figures I can find are:


2009 - 130k

2010 - 120k

2011 - 170k

2012 - 80k

2013 - 130k


I have quite a few crocs only because I was able to get them cheap and 1 million is low mintage for cheap bullion.

I do have some Somalis too and I would expect them to increase is premium slowly.  My only worry with the Somalis is milk spots.

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  • Founder & Administrator

Somalian elephants are beautiful coins. I have a tube of of these. Worry is that they might develop milk spots.

If your plan is to sell directly to the secondary market then a mix of different semi numis is best as it will be quicker to sell. The coin that I believe will appreciate mostly in value is the Panda. But kooks, lunars and elephants I think will be good as well.

Depends when you are planning on selling but selling 25 coins in the hope of buying 50 might be a bit am ambitious. I think it is better to sell after a few years if you can get a decent return by then and then reinvest into silver and keep doing that. Each year buying more and each year starting to sell the next year.

2017 sell all your semi numi coins you bought in 2014. 2018 sell all your semi numi coins you bought in 2015. 2019 sell all you semi numi coins you bought in 2016. And so on. That would be my plan.

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I think there is some debate as to whether the mintage numbers are correct or whether they minted to demand.


I wish I knew how to copy and paste on this nexus.


Either by design or simply not advertising the fact, because a coin has a mint mark of say  2005, it does not mean that all the coins are produced within the given year or soon there are after.


The biggest publicized 'scam' to this effect was the early kooks; (if memory serves this was 1990-99) and which came in the square 2 x 2 slab/capsules. The Perth Mint, some years later, re-run all the earlier coins up to the mintage numbers. Caused a bit of an up cry at the time, as after each coin was struck the initial mintage published  showed that this was well below the forecasted mintage, only for them to change the playing field years later


The Bavarian State Mint is known for being coy on its mintage numbers, and what it has in stock to release or what it intends to re-strike.

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  • Founder & Administrator

Either by design or simply not advertising the fact, because a coin has a mint mark of say  2005, it does not mean that all the coins are produced within the given year or soon there are after.


The biggest publicized 'scam' to this effect was the early kooks; (if memory serves this was 1990-99) and which came in the square 2 x 2 slab/capsules. The Perth Mint, some years later, re-run all the earlier coins up to the mintage numbers. Caused a bit of an up cry at the time, as after each coin was struck the initial mintage published  showed that this was well below the forecasted mintage, only for them to change the playing field years later


The Bavarian State Mint is known for being coy on its mintage numbers, and what it has in stock to release or what it intends to re-strike.


For the kooks there was a declared maximum mintage. So they were re-minting up to this number. Any ideas on the maximum mintage for the somalian elephants, or are there only figures for actual minted? In which case there could secretly be a very high maximum mintage allowed, and high future remints might be possible?

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I think it's always best to assume maximum mintage if one is published, rather than the sold-to-date number.

That way we won't be disappointed.

Not everybody re-mints past coins, but some do. If they can sell them and make money, they likely will.

Stacker since 2013

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One other that seems to be into the smoke and mirrors is the Mayers Mint.


From two differing sources ( Friedhelm or his son being one) indicated the mint were/had this summer released Gorilla and Elephant Rwanda's  coins onto the market and with the release price mirroring what the market had been willing to pay.


Also the release last year of the  Anniversary coin box coins set for the Elephants seems to indicate that the coins were on hand at the BM or were a re strikes


As I stated in the earlier note I accept all that is said in respect of mintage numbers, but as was the case with Perth Mint, there was an indication and actual practise of PM to stop the minting of the kooks, then only ( an in the case of certain coins) 10 years later start to re-strike on the back of a winning series. 


What is acceptable and what is ethical/moral are two differing matters and those who were collecting/stacking in the early '00's will remember the humble pie that PM had to eat to placate their loyal customers over the kooks charade. Have they ever repeated a re-strike? 


 It would appear that in America the practice of 'breaking the mould' is more prevalent. For example the  ATB's in collector/proof like finish are produced up to a final number, (and certified as being complete),  while the private mints like the zombucks ( Provident Metals) are actually defined by a particular set day.


As said; what is acceptable/legal, and what is ethical/moral are two different bed fellows and surely for the longer term well being of  the industry and all the stakeholders such as collector/stacker/dealers et al, I hope mints would take the latter approach when dealing with their customer base.  

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