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Everything posted by bluemoon

  1. If you're going the safe route, have the safe hidden too. The first line of defence is for nobody to know you have a safe with valuables at all. Then if they somehow discover it, the safe does it's job as the second line of defence. So to that end, see where you can bolt it that even a determined adversary would be unlikely to find it. Bolted inside a disused water tank under the garden, for example. Of course, if an adversary has time, they can scour the property with a metal detector and that would find the safe. But hopefully the safe would then do it's own job. Have a think about putting the safe not in your home, but where nobody goes to.
  2. 14% over spot or 14% after price increase? I don't think dealers would buy over spot but Buy/Sells on this forum tend to be over spot whether buying or selling, unless I've missed some clangers.
  3. Why would anyone want to sell to bullion dealers and get short changed by them, when you can sell privately on forums like this for a fair price?
  4. Things like this are why I only buy gold with cash. I haven't bought gold with a bank since 2016, since then it's always been with cash. I'd like to avoid nightmares like the ones shared on this thread.
  5. Timberrrrrrrr! I got concerned when mainstream media and normies on the street talk about gold, which is what has been happening recently. Price manipulators will enjoy laying bear traps. I bet they're making loads of money from this. Expect more traps along the way, although I still expect gold to keep rising long term.
  6. The 2022 Sovs literally look like a freshly minted 1p coin. If I had my Sovs on me now I'd do a side by side. Anyone?
  7. Well this has been positively sideways hasn't it? Where is the excitement? I need my dopamine hits what with my 6 seconds attention span! (Thanks internet).
  8. I'm hearing it too. It's like the Orcs have reached the shire.
  9. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    I've had major misdiagnoses too as have members of my family. Then of course there is the Covid debacle. With so many instances of this, Occam's Razor is telling me NHS doctors are stupid, dangerous and ignorant - This has gone well beyond a bit of bad luck here or there. Worst is when people are trusting the NHS enough that they may never know they were misdiagnosed, they just believe what they were told.
  10. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    That is actually quite a scary story, because it means the sheep will follow literally anything these days. It makes me wonder what else these same sheep would be capable of doing to you. Remember how people ratted on you for leaving your house more than once a day. Then there is all the people who lost their livelihoods for saying something innocuous but makes the sheep's hair catch fire. Even got convicted, in some cases. The same "crimes" would have been thought perfectly reasonable just 7 or 8 years ago.
  11. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    Dominoes is serious business.
  12. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    Well I do have YouTube videos set to autoplay at double speed but that's due to time saving rather than attention span. A 20 minute tutorial is very time consuming so if I can slash that time in half, I will.
  13. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    I can certainly see strategic and polite uses for CCTV. Doorbell cameras are a stupid strategy and very impolite. I was in Currys today and looking over the home security section, reading some of the features of various items. I think the sheep consumers just like their toys, combined with being unhealthily obsessed with safety & authority.
  14. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    In my view this ties in with the reasons people have doorbell cameras these days or CCTV outside their house as though they're a supermarket. Even road users have cameras including those obnoxious cyclists with stupid GoPros on their head, ready to record and report anyone who pisses them off. All these cameras give the illusion of security but why do they feel they need for security? It's because 1) we're constantly being told to live in fear of the next big threat, and 2) we're indeed turning into a 3rd world country with 3rd world crimes on the rise. The semi-amusing thing is crime is rising in spite of the cameras. Criminals won't stop just because people put up these placebo cameras which their consumerism made them think their new toy will keep them safe. It's the same with digital payments. Hacking of bank or PayPal accounts happens with monotonous regularity. Then of course there is the easy theft of digital payments by the governments either through taxation or inflation. Businesses are still safer off using cash and saving more money that way. P.S. I saw a till worker in Boots wearing a bodycam the other day which I thought was rude, and then there are the self-service machines at Tesco which display your face up close. Surely any thief would walk out of the shop with their loot without coming to the self service machine in the first place? But it's us who actually pay, who get our faces filmed up close. I always cover the cameras with my glove. Wish I could have done that to that mare's bodycam too, but that would have intruded on her personal space. Went off on a tangent towards the end but hey this is the random rant thread! I do want to slap those Go-Pro cyclists though, they're just looking to start trouble!
  15. Any of them not requiring ID from you if buying a couple of Sovs in cash? There are a couple in London like that but don't know about the Hatton Garden ones.
  16. bluemoon

    Random Rant

    What happened in the end?
  17. Forgive my ignorance but are HGM the same as Bairds or is is just coincidence that Bairds are in Hatton Garden?
  18. I had a similar post all written out last Thursday then decided against posting it because I didn't want to be the miserable git spoiling the party! But now that you've given me cover, we can do a little crossfire... Yes the hype I'm seeing in public is familiar to the last bubble. The optimism on this forum reminds me of the Kitco forums when I was on there after the 2011 bubble burst. There was huge anguish and despair from people who bought at the top and were losing their money. I even remember one thread title on there that was "AAAGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" - That's how painful it is to lose money after you jumped on the bandwagon. I've seen this sheepy FOMOness not only in silver in 2011 but also twice in Bitcoin's 2 bubbles so far. Lesson here is be sensible, don't celebrate and don't have visions of buying a mansion just yet. Keep making money and putting it into the gold safe haven using cost averaging. I'll get my coat!
  19. Watches, art, jewellery are also assets to keep outside the system. Wine too. Lots of things actually.
  20. Bitcoin rallies even if you happen to fart in it's direction, I'm not sure it's to do with the fiat collapse, the gold rally is definitely more connected. I echo @flyingveepixie's comments RE: the sheep, some are taking notice but just a few official looking press conferences from Downing Street telling them it's all under control will convince them to leave their bank balances where it is.
  21. If the rule of thumb is to go against sentiment, the sentiment is very bullish. YouTube pumpers are mega-hypey right now, talking like the Bitcoin YouTubers from a couple of years ago... even the sheep in public are taking notice. Even though I bought, I woudn't be surprised if the shorters come in soon and leave a bloodbath.
  22. Yes it does look overbought from a technical perspective. I bought today anyway. Even if it dips from here, it still won't be as bad as 12% inflation per year like fiat is doing.
  23. Jokes aside it's a fair point. How easy will it be to sell Britannias on this forum when they're £3,000? I wonder how many people here manage to shift gold 100g bars.
  24. I bought. Even if it goes down, 1) It will be offset by my previous purchases over the years which are well up. 2) Any downturn is always temporary when it comes to gold. The high prices stung, but at least I'm in now and got that cowpat fiat out of the system.
  25. I was going to buy last week just before this spike happened, since then I've been waiting for another dip. At this point I should probably just buy. Today's high prices may be next month's dip, so I may as well just get it and be done. If it dips now then whatever, it will come back up eventually. Not what I normally do though, I don't like being rushed!
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