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Mythical & spiritual silver ideas?

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Hello i am looking for spiritual or mythical silver ideas - really for hand pouring. 
The hand poured or specialist coins and bars are best I think. :) 

Stuff like - merlin, angels, unicorns, dragons, astrology, megaliths/pyramids, magic, egypt, atlantis ----. 

I know we have the unicorn, Griffin and what not in the queens beast. 
I am looking for something that does not have the queen or chalice boy on it etc. 

Here are a few items I have seen on Ebay. 
Other positive quality stuff - like the work that st bees silver does. 























Edited by Stacktastic
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These are some beautiful examples and lovely to see different pourers work in one place.

All I would say is that, from my point of view, men and women have very different points of view and interests.

Women may be more inclined to buy poured items that could be worn on a chain or as a pin, I know I would 🌞

Good luck 🖖


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pick a religion then work your way through the gods/dieties/sky people/heroes


norse / greek / roman / druid / chinese / japanese / north & south american.  fill your boots. but problem may be the popular ones have already been done and the minor ones might not attract interest.


then there are the animals in the air / sea / land...............

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