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Real American Eagle?


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Can anyone tell just from the picture if this is real or not? The box isn't the same as what is listed on apmex so just curious if its a fake. I think it looks quite obviously fake but i'm no expert :D


The Gold Sovereign

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I am no expert but that looks dodgy to me. Would not touch with the proverbial barge pole unless from a trusted source or can guarantee a refund after examining the item. 

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly


Most certainly fake

Reference a picture from a confirmed source ( Apmex for example) and see the lack of detail,

For example on the coin in question there is no detailing on the neck  feathers around the sitting bird. On a real coin there is even a head tuft that is visible. Also the chick seems to be wearing some form of camouflage  LOL!  . 


Doesn't look right to me for this angle. The eyes doesnt look right and I think an incorrect font?  Especially the letter A?

The detail of the leaves doesn't seem to look right either.

What year is it?

+1 with @Stu


The eyes and head are horrible and the quality in general just doesn't look up to scratch.  A lot of the text seems to be a different typeface/font as well.


I reckon if you peel back the edge you will find some tasty chocolate.  Mmmmmmm.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


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