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Nepal Gold Fanam of Prithvi Vira Vikrama 1881-1911 (VS 1738-VS 1769)

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Today we photographed a gold coin which appears to be a Fanam of Prithvi Vira Vikrama a.k.a. Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah.


But which way is up?


One of our team, who is Indian, managed to recognise one of the Hindi letters / symbols, शु , representing the sound "Su". I may need to enlist her further help in working out which way round this coin should be, and also whether the attribution shown on its coin holder is correct.


It probably weighs about 0.3 grams, and has a tiny diameter, about 6 mms.

Anybody out there care to contribute any more information?



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8 hours ago, LawrenceChard said:

No, I have shown both sides of it, obverse and reverse, although I don't know which is which!


Well that's interesting because there are arguably the same symbols on both sides - just flipped horizontally. Never seen a fanam like that but I'll admit they are a world of their own and their categorisation is quite a mystery to me.

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4 hours ago, CollectForFun said:

Well that's interesting because there are arguably the same symbols on both sides - just flipped horizontally. Never seen a fanam like that but I'll admit they are a world of their own and their categorisation is quite a mystery to me.

Me too, even though we have a couple of the Michael Mitchener books.

There just is not enough time to learn about every coinage type.


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5 hours ago, CollectForFun said:

Well that's interesting because there are arguably the same symbols on both sides - just flipped horizontally. 

It took me 5 minutes to realise this and I took the photo!

I knew I had both sides as it was really hard to flip it over - and then I get it to my edit desk in Photoshop and couldn't find the "other" side.  And then the penny dropped that the design was mirrored 

(photographer @Chards) 

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