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AMC buys into gold-silver mine


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7 hours ago, Spark268 said:

AMC, the cinema chain has just invested a decent chunk into a US Gold silver miner, along side Eric Sprott. Why not, i'd say...🤠



I know nothing about the detail but to me it sounds like a combined effort to pump a junior. 
lets face it die hard gold people love Sprott & the scalpers, wall street bets (gamblers) love AMC. 
Seems strange this happens just as gold breaks out & has a decent pull back. 
I bet this is a hedge to thier (failed) uranium pumping project as they must have invested a ton of cash into that!!
its not worked has it! yes there is massive potential, but investors were promised massive gains by now & are probably out of pocket!! 

Kind of adds to the theories about Rule, Sprott & the Uranium insider (chicken man Hume)
I lost my respect for him when he backtracked about selling his URA stocks & looked notably panicked. 
Lets not even go there with GATOS or the Russian stocks he has also been pumping. 😛 

I dont know if its undervalued or not, but if the big money jumps on it could easily be a 1-500% profit in weeks/months. Not for me.
Its heavily being manipulated since gold shot up & will be dumped as quickly.



Edited by Stacktastic
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1 hour ago, Stacktastic said:

I know nothing about the detail but to me it sounds like a combined effort to pump a junior. 
lets face it die hard gold people love Sprott & the scalpers, wall street bets (gamblers) love AMC. 
Seems strange this happens just as gold breaks out & has a decent pull back. 
I bet this is a hedge to thier (failed) uranium pumping project as they must have invested a ton of cash into that!!
its not worked has it! yes there is massive potential, but investors were promised massive gains by now & are probably out of pocket!! 

Kind of adds to the theories about Rule, Sprott & the Uranium insider (chicken man Hume)
I lost my respect for him when he backtracked about selling his URA stocks & looked notably panicked. 
Lets not even go there with GATOS or the Russian stocks he has also been pumping. 😛 

I dont know if its undervalued or not, but if the big money jumps on it could easily be a 1-500% profit in weeks/months. Not for me.
Its heavily being manipulated since gold shot up & will be dumped as quickly. 



Hi. I was a previous investor in Allied Nevada Gold prior to name change to Hycroft mining and mudrick capital takeover. I therefore own hymcz warrants and have previously owned hycmw warrants. I would not touch this with a bargepole, Having been well burnt before due to the low grade nature and cost/operations problems. I have very little expectation of the hymcz warrants being of any meaningful value prior to their expiry in Oct 2022. 

Having previously respected Eric sprott I'm starting to suspect his judgement somewhat with this investment! I am curious to what uranium Co AMC have previously invested so I can do further research. I have only a small uranium holding but feel I should be upping this for the next few year time frame. 


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i understand the sentiment about this particular miner - i'd never heard of them and personally avoid taking punts on individual miners.

I know sprott was bullish on uranium, but perhaps he should have stuck to what he is good at!

the move is bullish for miners as a whole though, they have been under-priced relative to the recent highs in gold.

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