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What Eludes You?

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What coin has eluded you all these years? You know, that coin to complete your set that you thought you had nailed on ebay but got outbid with 1 millisecond to go. The coin that you thought you had but when it arrived was scratched with a brillo pad and you had to return. We all have war stories - what's yours? I'll tee off:


1938 Australian Crown (5 shillings). Second of a two year series, only 100k minted and hard (and pricey) to source in good grades. Ebay is loaded with these guys but either the seller wants my kidney or it's been used as a beer coaster - oh, and there are fakes of course. Looking for AU58 or better is tough.

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1822 George IV Crown. I have been watching ebay for a good one for at least 12 months now, it is the last coin I need to finish my sterling silver crown date run. There are two main types, tertio and secundo being the more expensive, I don't mind which I get as long as it is a good one. There are lots of them around, but they are all either low quality or too expensive. Same situation as your 1938 crown I guess. One day the right one will come along at the right price but I am in no rush.

Mexican 1 peso gold coin. Possibly the highest premium coin I have ever tried to buy at less than 1/20 ounce of gold. There are a few on ebay. I have been outbid on three of these now and I think I am going to give up on it for a while now spot is falling and buy some gold closer to spot. 

Years ago I also fancied myself an 1847 Gothic Crown but once I found out they sell for around 2K a pop, I decided my crown collection can be complete without it :P


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