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Purchased anything especially nice recently (2022 sovereigns excepted)?


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(Apologies to new owners of 2022 sovereigns, but  otherwise this little subject might have been flooded with their perfectly justifiable posts.)

To kick things off, two days ago I was very pleased to buy a 2005 one ounce gold Britannia  - such a lovely design I think - at a price well below that obtained in two recent sales of such coins at a Coin Cabinet auction, where one went for an incredible £3400 and another went for a much more sensible £2300. O.K. those two were graded at Ultra Cameo 70 and mine is only Ultra Cameo 69, but I can't tell the difference. I had been wondering about making an offer for one from the US, also grade 69, on ebay at a nominal £2100 plus (when converted to sterling), but postage would have been considerable and I would have had to pay VAT and then reclaim it (plus Fedex's non-refundable 'handling charge'), so to discover one with a dealer in the UK for a good less than that was a pleasant surprise. I couldn't find any other dealer that even had one in stock.

I read that only 1439 of these particular one ounce Britannias were minted out of a theoretical limit of 1500, and I believe that most of those were destined to be included in sets of all four weights for that year. Does that mean that the Mint had orders for only 1439 or did the other 61 go to specially privileged buyers?

Of course, I still had to shell out a very hefty sum, so with my luck I can expect the price of gold now to plummet and leave me feeling rueful about my purchase.


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1 hour ago, James32 said:

Great idea but its sovereign month followed by crown week😅🤷‍♂️

Thank you. Yes, I thought it might provide an outlet for those not so exclusively enamoured of the new sovereigns as to have no other interests for the time being, but perhaps there are no such people. I'm afraid I am not a purchaser of the 2022 sovereigns despite their attractive design and momentous date because I find the coppery colour a complete and utter turn-off.

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5 hours ago, RDHC said:

Thank you. Yes, I thought it might provide an outlet for those not so exclusively enamoured of the new sovereigns as to have no other interests for the time being, but perhaps there are no such people. I'm afraid I am not a purchaser of the 2022 sovereigns despite their attractive design and momentous date because I find the coppery colour a complete and utter turn-off.

I'm with you on the colour - the older ones are so much more appealing on a colour basis. Sadly I don't have much to contribute here having bought the 2022 sovs. Between those and the upcoming GE coin that should be enough cash going out (hopefully). I do have my eye on a 1909 C sov coming up in the CC auction but realistically I expect it'll end on the high side outside what I'm willing to pay for it.

Between the 2022 sovs and the GE coin its a bit of of a lull and I have to imagine I'm not alone with that. I did finally manage to buy some fenceposts today after trying for months so that excited me but I suspect I'll be alone in that excitement! 😝

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9 hours ago, AppleZippoandMetronome said:

I'm with you on the colour - the older ones are so much more appealing on a colour basis. Sadly I don't have much to contribute here having bought the 2022 sovs. Between those and the upcoming GE coin that should be enough cash going out (hopefully). I do have my eye on a 1909 C sov coming up in the CC auction but realistically I expect it'll end on the high side outside what I'm willing to pay for it.

Between the 2022 sovs and the GE coin its a bit of of a lull and I have to imagine I'm not alone with that. I did finally manage to buy some fenceposts today after trying for months so that excited me but I suspect I'll be alone in that excitement! 😝

I love the idea of fence posts creating excitement!

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