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Unpacking My Stack


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All the empty pre-bought Mint coin tubes and capsules that you see in the first photo was meant to be my original stack but it never really got off the launchpad. The major flaw with my initial stacking strategy was overbuying or overstacking silver at the expense of gold represented by the three diminutive sovereign tubes. I made some headway but eventually ended up selling off my silver Eagles, Britannias, Kangaroos, Noah’s Arks and gold sovereigns. There was simply too much diversification going on.

I opted for a pared down silver stack of collectible semi-numismatic coins which meant I could diversify into sovereigns, 1/4oz and 1oz gold coins. I adopted a Japanese way of doing things which could extract more from less and was exquisitely economical with space. My entire stack is heavier than it looks and can be packed into a Case Logic toiletry bag. I’m not done stacking, of course, as you can see from the half-empty air-tite tubes but I know where I’m headed this time with my second stacking strategy.


38 minutes ago, Abyss said:

@Serendipity lovely stack but is it wise to keep the silver stack (even though in tubes) in plastic PVC container?

You had me very worried for a moment! No, all those official Mint tubes and capsules that you see in the plastic PVC container in the first photo are completely empty. They were actually packed in the Case Logic toiletry bag before I progressed to air-tite tubes. That large plastic PVC container is simply a holder for discarded coin tubes and capsules.

30 minutes ago, goldmember44 said:

Where did you get those tubes with the orange tops? They look quite versatile.

Those coin tubes with the red caps are air-tite “H” coin tubes. The smaller ones in the pelican case are air-tite “A” coin tubes. I order all my air-tite coin tubes and capsules from OnFireGuy in the US because they are an American product. I dislike European lighthouse capsules and bespoke sovereign cases.

33 minutes ago, AuricGoldfinger said:

Nicely organised! Got any more pics/info on what looks like your sovs in capsules, in tubes and in what looks like a peli case? ie quantity, sizes etc? 

I will, of course, showcase my coins and their quantity in later posts. The current post is primarily about how I store my coins. There’s a rich diversity of 1/4oz world coins, sovereigns and Queen’s Beasts packed in those tubes. Yes, the two tubes are packed in a Peli 1010 Microcase which I bought from Atkinsons.

50 minutes ago, Serendipity said:

I order all my air-tite coin tubes and capsules from OnFireGuy in the US because they are an American product. I dislike European lighthouse capsules and bespoke sovereign cases.

I've dealt with him, easy to get on with.


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