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2oz Gold Coins


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I’ve decided to put all my gold and silver purchases on hold with the exception of the 1/4oz Queen’s Beast which comes out in September. I’ll also have saved enough to buy two 1oz gold coins. However, another option is to wrap up the year with a 2oz gold coin. I’m especially interested in anyone that has bought a 2oz gold coin.

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1 hour ago, Serendipity said:

The one I’m thinking of buying is the 2019 Australian Lunar Pig.

Unless the 2019 lunar pig is significant in some way to you, I recommend waiting for the 2020 lunar mouse. The first 2 issues in the lunar series tend to be key and appreciate more. :ph34r:

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It's a lot to tie up in one lump but if you are happy to do so go for it, I'm sure it would be pleasing to hold. The largest piece I have is a 5 sovereign and would  not want a larger peace than this. I have often thought of trading it for Fractionals but never got round to it.

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly

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10 hours ago, trozau said:

Unless the 2019 lunar pig is significant in some way to you, I recommend waiting for the 2020 lunar mouse. The first 2 issues in the lunar series tend to be key and appreciate more. :ph34r:

That’s actually a very good suggestion! I’m not a big fan of pigs. The Perth Mint’s Lunar II series concludes with the pig and starts afresh with the mouse for the Lunar III series next year. The 2020 Australian Lunar Mouse definitely has more aesthetic appeal. I just hope the Perth Mint keeps to the design.


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43 minutes ago, trozau said:

New for the Perth Mint lunar 3 series is the 1 troz bullion Pt. Since I do not have a complete lunar 1 nor 2 series Au, I plan to work on the lunar 3 series Pt.

You are giving me some good ideas for other coin series when the Queen’s Beasts comes to an end next year.

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It's all a bit weird.  I like the lunar series.

3 or 4 years ago it seemed like the smaller gold coins gained more of a premium which I assumed was because they more collectible or more affordable.  1/10 lunar etc.

Then the queens beast came along and it turned out that the 1 OZ coins appreciated more in price.  It seems that it's better to have purchased the earlier 1 OZ beasts than 4 x 1/4 OZ.

Having seem both the 1 OZ and the 1/4 OZ I think the 1 OZ does look much nicer.

The lunar do look very nice at 1/10 and 1/4.  I actually thing they look better in smaller sizes.

Personally I would not purchase the 2 OZ unless it's a very low premium and purely stacking.

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